Mosques in the Netherlands go into sermons calling for tolerance. That made the Council of Mosques and the Union of Moroccan Mosques Netherlands known in the night from Thursday to Friday. The organizations are concerned about the growing number of racist violence and expressions of hatred towards Jews and Muslims
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The Council adopts a declaration explicitly from young Muslims who are guilty of anti-Semitic incidents. “There are many people who say they use the freedom of speech. We are not opposed, but we have in this country be careful with each other, “said a spokesman for the Islamic organizations.
According to the mosques criticism of Israel is not prohibited, but may not license its for anti-Semitic and anti-Islamic statements or actions. “Jews in the Netherlands are brothers of the holy book and so should also be our fraternal relationship,” said the written statement. According to the spokesman, almost all mosques in the Netherlands it known to contribute to the plan. <- RSPEAK_STOP -> <-! google_ad_section_end () ->
In my eyes rigged, this gentleman is protected from above, that is for me now for sure!