When a burglary at the home of a prosecutor from the prosecutor’s office in Rotterdam, are USB sticks stolen parts of files are on. The burglary took place in the night of Wednesday to Thursday
The work phone the prosecutor was stolen. This however can only be used by the OM employees. The USB sticks however, were not increase security. The officer had to carried to prepare at home business.
Prosecutors are considered carefully with sensitive information to go. Here are guidelines, the OM Rotterdam says. As USB drives must be protected and criminal files should be stored in safes at home. Even transport takes place in a sort vaults.
,, This was so not supposed to happen. It is very annoying, ” spokesman late Jeichien de Graaff of the prosecutor’s office in Rotterdam know. According to De Graaff was no break-in “targeted action” .. The sticks had information about a murder investigation and a drug case, the public prosecutor informs the Telegraph. Or sanctions will be imposed is not yet known. The Chief will decide about it
It does not stop! Same is the preserve ,, “vd laptop etc. in the automachterladend.
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“Very annoying” ….. Yes, you can say yes For example, the witnesses by name. and shamed on the stick. Man, man, ineffectual bunch of amateurs. A student of bite suit m 19-20 zn has even protected USB stick. But, and this is the dumbest decision, it was NOT a targeted action …. Whoehahaha …. no, it was entirely accidental, they break into a prosecutor who is conducting a drug investigation. Go sleep well Netherlands, the OM watching over you!
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delicious suspected all .. let it break into sensitive data would let him steal .. ff carefully infuse that officer .. but of course he comes back out with only sorry ..
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You can gradually wonder if the public prosecutor is suitable to practice his profession. No secure USB stick home, store unsound. Worse is that a press officer it as not so important prejudice.
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You not tell me that all this happens, first you should have a stick to take home where interest reaching business on it, and then say that it is annoying, I wonder why it takes a stick if nothing was important to, again such urban legend
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they now really learning anything similar cases in the past ???
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become almost daily news that something the government done what should not happen !!! increased security at transport ??? home in the safe ??? high security USB stitching ??? no targeted action ??? according to one and one is two theory is simply intent !!! will also have everything to do with bribes !!!
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There is no justice in the Netherlands. Most judges have debts!
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Very annoying? Oh gosh, very tricky one will mean, immers..dat stuff from the OM never makes mistakes, right? Not even if you have more than 30 years fist deep in the network of a housing, and a lawyer warns those OVJ nowhere to talk to, just for that reason. And which then in turn was rewarded with a schijnhuurtje 270 per month, met..partner.Afijn, guests are / are committed simply out of the laws and regulations, as we see now so again. SHAME.
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This did not happen so, annoying, according to the prosecutor’s Graaff. These people, called the judiciary is as unreliable as the current government. I wonder why this information home should be taken?
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blundering, grabbing, bleeding nose or amnesia four ailments that occur disproportionately in the public service, it makes you sometimes wonder what we bruising employ …..
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Please do once better fools!
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“whether sanctions will be imposed is not yet known”. The Chief decides about, in other words, the butcher inspect his own meat
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What strikes me is that something always happened when someone brings home. Coincidence ??
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The state has many opportunities to work from home on servers in the cloud justice. Jep is called. People who are still walking around with USB stocks and records should be fired Edit private computers. Policy makers in the judiciary are very lax and allow this continues to increase. Which should perhaps be addressed. Justice has its own service JustID to regulate this fine, so there is no reason to allow the use of USB sticks.
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The government is like a big cabinet puinbak.
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It is shocking to read how people use this occasion again to scream bloody murder and people (preferably the government …) again to make everything. A year in jail! shouted returns. The man was victim of a burglary!
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Of course no sanctions …. the members of this club holding hands above the head to the bitter end. It is time that the civilian population will have more influence on the functioning of the judiciary. The island position held by this powerful club is not outdated.
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handing stuff and go. If someone his weapon outside his gun safe is located in a burglary because they have no use for it. Who knows what stands for sensitive data on that USB stick.
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No specific action! Someone is going to break for a few USB sticks! Do not make me laugh. I rather think that the lawyer and the criminal made a deal with that officer. Like, I’m not at home that night, the sticks lying on the bedside table and you need four people for two weeks booking Mauritius.
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This is the umpteenth time again tedious and it should not have gebeuren.Het is much worse that the citizen must establish that the incompetence and carelessness rampant in justitie.Het confident that all was not high get a firm rap, again!
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should not have happened if had will have been too late. oh and it also ends with a whimper
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All rigged. The lie here lasted the NETHERLANDS. Greetings from Palermo on the Meuse.
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It’s always the same with them, they lose some, it is in the garbage, now this. It interests them simply no ball
This is premeditated. why should all the data and USB sticks with an officer in the house. it will have been a lot of money for. do not buy more in this kind of stuff. this kind of thing can only happen if it is inside job. like dossierss luggage carrier had fallen. and stolen from a car. Yes Yes Yes. resignation immediately. and all sort