Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Government help Dutchman not unjustly imprisoned for 31 years is in the US – A look at news

Tuesday, 18. August 2015 – 8:26 Update: 19-08-2015 10:04


A Dutchman is certainly possible 31 years incarceration in the US It is Jaitsen Singh (71), a Dutch citizen of Surinamese origin, as the Times reports today. He was sentenced in 1986 as principal of a double murder of his stepfather wife and stepdaughter.

He received a total of 31 years in prison. The man denies and refuses a deal to previously released in exchange for his confession.

Singh early release and wants the Netherlands to prepare a revision request in his case, but the ministry does not want to cooperate. It uses a guideline that detainees in their condemnation not more than five years may have lived abroad at the time of their conviction. Singh also sits for more than 30 years fixed, so he should be released immediately in the Netherlands.

A lawyer for PrisonLaw discovered major abuses in Singh’s criminal case. Thus, the main witness was a robbery a convicted heroin junkie. The prosecutor gave him favors as punishment discount and money for his incriminating statement. The FBI conducted a corruption investigation into the prosecutor and convicted him

Singh’s lawyer, Rachel Imamkhan says in the newspaper. “I run up against a wall of reluctance,” There are several examples of transferred detainees whose five-year rule and the argument exceeded the maximum sentence may not go. ”


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