Photo: Flickr / Michael Coghlan
Netherlands is not cooperating with the return of a Dutch man, who shall all be stuck 31 years wrongfully in United States for murder. This is because the man for his conviction for many years the Netherlands had left. This confirms the Ministry of Security and Justice, after reports about the newspaper.
Jaitsen Singh was sentenced in 1986 to a total of 56 years in prison as alleged originator of the murder of his wife and stepdaughter. The now 71-year-old man is now eligible for parole or transfer to the Netherlands because of his advanced age and ill health.
The likelihood of release would be much greater if the Netherlands commits Singh after taking his release and guide him through his rehabilitation, de Volkskrant writes based on a conversation with the hearing committee for decision. The Dutch consulate in San Francisco would have written a letter of recommendation for transfer to the Netherlands. But the Ministry of Justice will make no exceptions to the policy.
The Netherlands wants people only record when there is a sufficient link with the Netherlands. If limit is therefore a stay of five years used abroad, while Singh 13 years in the US lived when he was arrested in 1984 for the murder.
Advocate Rachel Imamkhan considers it unfair that the Ministry only on formal grounds rejects cooperation and did not look at the individual and personal circumstances. She writes in an e-mail:
“Mr Singh is ill and medical problems, old age and desperate conditions of detention, and is estranged from family and friends . “
According to the lawyer, the lack of cooperation added wryly, because there were serious errors made at trial of Singh. On its website, Prison Law, she mistakes to put a row. She states that the Crown witnesses were drug addicted criminals, and that they are instructed by the police to give false statements in exchange for lesser punishment for himself. A witness who wanted to withdraw his testimony, was dead in suspicious circumstances just before he was to testify under oath. It would also have been made in bad forensics and important DNA evidence lost.
Singh has always denied his involvement in the murders. A confession would give him punishment discount and therefore make possible release. Against his lawyer he has, according to the Volkskrant states “rather die to go” than to confess
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