The police are certainly not stuck in the investigation of the extortion case at Jumbo. “We hope that citizens can help us with finding the culprit, so we can guarantee safety at Jumbo again,” said Rob Vos, who is leading the investigation on behalf of the police
Police launched Thursday morning a special website with details about the incidents at Jumbo stores. Then, parts of the police file They call citizens to join investigations. “We are not fixed, but we have positive experience with engaging citizens,” says Fox.
“It is only by the identity of the perpetrator, we can ensure that the situation at Jumbo safe again is, “said Fox.
The police still thinks the perpetrator Jumbo extorting because he wants money. “He asks repeatedly in letters bitcoins, a virtual currency. Furthermore, we have found a possible link at the research between the perpetrator and Jumbo, “says Fox.
The police hope that now come in more tips. “A citizen of a small detail can be the missing piece of the puzzle for us,” explains the police. “We hope that the environment of the offender will be under pressure to come forward if they know more. But we also have other outstanding tracks and the investigation is still ongoing. “
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