Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Government intervenes possible to transfer youth – Dutch Newspaper (subscription)

Government intervenes possible to transfer youth – Dutch Newspaper (subscription)

The municipalities in four of the 42 youth regions are still insufficiently prepared for the new youth jobs they have to get from next year. The government is threatening to intervene if they do not get their affairs in order quickly. The State Secretary of Health Martin van Rijn (PvdA) Wednesday said in parliament.

Municipalities must youth from next year shopping for themselves and organizing. For this, they work together in so-called youth regions. Of the 42 regions have been saying for 38 to sign with the providers of child welfare. 1 November contracts

Van Rijn informed the House last August that eleven regions could offer. Sufficient certainty “In eleven regions we had to ask whether it will be okay. In seven of the eleven regions are the issues adequately addressed or they come in the short term in order. “

Four regions should make it clear in the short term, how they will organize. Child welfare They do not do that then an administrative instruction be given, where a municipality is forced to take action., In extreme cases

To the displeasure of the House did not say which Van Rijn municipalities involved. According to a large part of the Chamber councils have their councilors accordingly speak. Van Rijn said the Chamber shall apply within two weeks to provide more information.

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