it’s april 1st (next Friday) fifteen years ago concluded the first gay marriage in the Netherlands. Netherlands was the first country in the world where two people of the same sex could marry.
Women married since the introduction of gay marriage in 2001, often with a partner of the same sex than men, according to the CBS. The first two years that was not the case. But from 2003, every year more married women together than two men. In 2015 concluded 765 marriages between two women in the Netherlands and 644 marriages between two men.
As more and more same sex couples married, so does the number of divorces. Since 2011 stranded annually over two hundred marriages between two women and more than a hundred marriages between two men.
The CBS calculated beyond that marriages end more often in divorce as people for their twentieth or between their fortieth and fiftieth married. The risk of separation is greater in a larger age difference between the partners. But even taking into account the age and the age differences, shows the probability of divorce a woman marriage bigger than a man’s marriage and heterosexual marriage
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