ZEVENAAR – In garage Visser Cars at the Edisonstraat in Zevenaar in the night from Saturday to Sunday, a major fire raged. In addition, four people lichtgewondgewond hit. Around 6.00 o’clock the signal “fire master” are given, but the fire department is still busy for hours with nablussen.
The fire broke around 2.30 pm. Two residents of an apartment above the carpentry and two agents have the smoke inhaled and to control to the hospital. Their condition is unknown. The fire was just before 02.30 hours reported by a motorist that the fire from the A12 saw. Were soon above the roof, huge flames.
among others There were four blusauto’s and two platforms present. Firefighters from Zevenaar, Didam, Wehl and Arnhem could not prevent the fire spread to an adjacent furniture factory. At the brengstation for waste flew a container in fire.
Roof collapsed
In the vicinity of the parked used cars at the dealership are by practitioners pushed away. The roof of the garage collapsed and the steel structure is bent. Also, there were explosions to be heard. That looked like fireworks, but according to a spokesperson of the fire brigade would be the popping of the metal may come. In the garage was only a hall with trucks to be rescued.
The adjacent A12 was last night by the fire at the height of Zevenaar in both directions is temporarily closed.Because there is a hard wind was that strong plumes of smoke over the motorway A12 drove, the department of the A12 at the height of the fire in both directions closed. Shortly before this happened there was an accident with multiple vehicles on the A12, at the height of the fire, possibly as a result of smoke over the highway pulled. In that accident hit one person wounded.
According to the safety region North and East – Gelderland, there are no toxic substances in the smoke are measured. Because of the wind, can residents of Loil and Didam, however, suffer from smoke and odour nuisance. They are recommended the windows and the ventilation system to close.
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