Thirty years old 'butler murder was not murder – De Morgen 09.30.14, 10u03 – Source:
© Marcel van den Bergh / de Volkskrant. Dick Leeuwerden.
A surprising turn in the three decades long-standing Dutch case of the so-called ‘butler murder’: there is no mention of murder, but a natural death. This is the conclusion physician and pathologist Frank van de Goot. The Dutch Supreme Court is now considering the seventh revision application in this case, a record.
In The Gutter his reports are misinterpreted by the lawyers. In an urgent letter he denounces “their unfamiliarity” with this matter. It is rare that an expert witness in this way to raise the alarm.
“At high levels of exception I do not say it, but once in medical, scientific terms, but in layman’s terms. Ms. Van Wylick, the alleged victim is deceased of a heart attack, “said the pathologist. He worked for years for the Dutch Forensic Institute (NFI), and is now attached to Symbiant, an expertise in the field of clinical and forensic pathology.
The Gutter examined at the request of lawyer Geert-Jan Knoops myocardial Van Wylcik. Among others, Anton Becker, former professor of the Academic Medical Center (AMC) and cardiovascular pathologist, endorses its findings.
12 years in prison
‘butler murder “about the death of the wealthy Dorethea of Wylick. The 72-year-old woman married in September 1983 with her caregiver, the 39-year-old gay Dick Leeuwerden. Six weeks after the marriage she dies. From Leeuwerden is sentenced to imprisonment for 12 years. According to the then experts her death was probably the result of a fatal mixture of alcohol and drugs, administered by the “Butler”. In addition, two witnesses testified that Van Leeuwerden was out on the money from the millionaire. These witnesses withdraw their statements later, the police would have to put a burden to explain them. Pressure
From Leeuwerden (70) fights for almost thirty years for rehabilitation. Last year had a lawyer Geert-Jan Knoops and his team from the Innocence Project, which specializes in miscarriages of justice, the seventh revision request. The latest research from The Gutter, where he studied with new techniques and myocardial infarct could show closes according to them permanently from murder.
This summer came ACAS, a committee that advises the Supreme Court on the review request, in a confidential report to the conclusion that the claim “no substantial new contained facts. ” After all, since the conviction of Van Leeuwerden fifteen experts have already spoken about the case. They all argue that cardiac death is most likely, but could not give one hundred percent certainty. According to the ACAS advice the new studies of Van Gutter differ enough from other reports.
The Gutter says that ACAS has understood his report. Incorrect He fears that the application for wrongly will beaches. Right Psychologist Peter van Koppen is not surprised by the findings of the ACAS. “That was set up to look in a different way to criminal proceedings but sometimes they are not sufficiently critical.”
The Supreme Court and the ACAS do not substantively respond because the procedure is still running. A spokesman has announced that the ACAS ‘can rely on all the skills that the Committee deems necessary. ”

where Krol, it is misery, for many years, the only importance it serves his own interests and especially not the 50. People are even awake, a voice on Krol is a wasted vote!
indeed striking. Krol has only just returned in politics, and is the same there again the militant. Also notable, the barkers, which again places him right in the pillory without knowing whether the facts are correct.
O, they are at it again in The Hague, Krol she runs too much in the way, so go find them!
Accusations are something other than evidence.
A disgrace to politics and especially for the founder of this party. But yeah, he keeps coming back.
I’m a 50+ there, but would really prefer not to see Henk Krol, representing the 50 geod but if there are people in this suspect fraud, and want to believe scam practices suspicious person: fine, it says something about the mindset. My support will 50+ never get.
A teacher should be a statement omtrend behavior can produce. Obviously, this does not apply to our politicians. In the room a blemish makes more or less does not matter.
Of course, one intends to harm H.Krol imagine that would be the 50plus-seated parties would lose half their seats for no older with a brain goes to one as large vote of the majority and their partners tolerated.
pay attention to the established club that they had opppakken that make our country totally going to hell. read first that they have no money for the mission in Iraq. they pay it all out of the pots coming years. that’s what I call once damaged. called the big guy hang but money is not there for. people we can see what awaits us again yes undress citizens again. we come up with all of us soon in deep poverty. that’s just schokkend.laat diekrol but walk
From this kind of “friends” you just have to have. There has never proved anything.
Well after PVV and Wilders now it’s all balls 50Plus and Henk Krol, 50Plus has potential and should be stopped in accordance with the established parties! By force if necessary, as we all know from the past .The crooks nest Courtyard gives subsidy only for boating & gt; PvdA, and recurrent Syria-goers etc etc
Hr.Krol is not the first, there were him many for !!! But these figures do not inhibit each other.
Henk Krol, dear Hans Vant 8:49 will damage only themselves. You may well be inadvertently piss off the game, but as often as Krol can never be accidentally. Inconceivable as such unreliable someone still attracts votes.
are amortized by politics, the Elderly and then success for the elderly party eyesore, so Krol and nice target for them.
He has now lied enough, right !!!!!
who comes to the elderly ?? correct, KROL, he is a threat to the Labour Party, with its 12 armchairs in the poll, this party has the older voters quite abandoned and krol must hang 3 million people over 65 are in this country as they wisely are they vote on krol in March, we are rid of this government. ps the PvdA is your pension is not safe.
And Mr. Krol still does not respond, yes, yes, !!
At the word “integer” you see for yourself in the mirror, if the shoe fits pulls him in and out of politics.
what’s worse, aircraft turn away money that is not there and that our economy down will catch up, or someone who might have made if it is, what money has yielded a picture. prettier ….
Dear Henk, never mind all those publications. 50 plus is now extra attention and that’s worth much more than paying attention to the people who want to get you. Slicing attention