Monday, September 29, 2014

“ISIS is not Islamic” –

"ISIS is not Islamic" –


Islamic State (ISIS) is not Islamic, nor a state, although the letters do would assume that. That represented Wim Geerts, Director General Political Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Monday against MPs during a briefing on the upcoming Dutch military mission in Iraq


 Wim Geerts Wim Geerts Photo: Reuters

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ISIS is according to him!” terrorist organization that carries out atrocities in Iraq and in Syria, with strong disruptive effects and extraordinary amount of excessive and systematic violence. ” ISIS is also probably responsible for very serious international crimes (against humanity, war crimes and genocide) Geerts said. The threat of ISIS does not stop him, according to the borders of Syria and Iraq, but also affects Europe and the Netherlands.

Netherlands send six F-16s and two spare aircraft to the Middle East. The fighter aircraft, which aims ISIS go bombing Iraq go 250 troops along. Another 130 Dutch troops to train Iraqi and Kurdish soldiers.

The Dutch contribution is part of the international struggle against ISIS led by the United States. Meanwhile, 50 countries support the American strategy, according Geerts is focused on the long term. In addition, the Iraqi government a great responsibility to administrative and socio-economic reforms to be implemented




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