The Foundation Friends of Gay Krant (SVGK) wants to seize the home of former President Henk Krol, who is now back MP for 50Plus. With the proceeds from the home’s foundation wants more than two tons subsidy repay
That says former treasurer Peter Derksen. He has seen that the Brabant house Krol on the Internet is up for sale and wants to act quickly.
SVGK must minister Bussemaker (Education) to repay the grant, under Krol’s reign was provided to a digital meeting for gay youth to start with. Derksen says the money went toward other matters of Krol. Even the sex shop the Brabant politician some spoils with the subsidy rack, set the former treasurer. The accountant refused to approve the annual report on this good
Krol did not respond to the allegations
This is a figure in the representation of the Netherlands. Here everything is possible. Being away!
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seize Good thing, Krol probe does get away with smooth words and just lying.
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This hypocrite guy approaches and fully reap empty. His lies and deceit have been plenty of others damaged and it is always the fault of the other. It is a disgrace to society that this man has a place in the second room hustled everyone and everything to make themselves only become wiser. Just do not understand way that so many older people still have faith in this pathetic! Road thus !!!
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This is old wine in new bottles. This fact has been known for over a year! The left church is at it again, there will be elections.
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The proverb is “Thuggin you must fight with crooks.” Looking at all the PvdA and VVD thugs grab, steal, corrupt and manipulate all years these alleged Krol escapes even peanuts. The politician who is without sin cast the first stone. It will then icy quiet and peaceful stay. Moral of the story: The propaganda machine of the government parties PvdA and VVD so now running at full speed.
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It amazes me that he still has so many supporters that his behavior approve .He that money eventually used for his own gain, and that is still approved even If i so much on my stick I would have got nowhere in the bin, but in politics is that apparently no objection
where Krol, it is misery, for many years, the only importance it serves his own interests and especially not the 50. People are even awake, a voice on Krol is a wasted vote!
indeed striking. Krol has only just returned in politics, and is the same there again the militant. Also notable, the barkers, which again places him right in the pillory without knowing whether the facts are correct.
O, they are at it again in The Hague, Krol she runs too much in the way, so go find them!
Accusations are something other than evidence.
A disgrace to politics and especially for the founder of this party. But yeah, he keeps coming back.
I’m a 50+ there, but would really prefer not to see Henk Krol, representing the 50 geod but if there are people in this suspect fraud, and want to believe scam practices suspicious person: fine, it says something about the mindset. My support will 50+ never get.
A teacher should be a statement omtrend behavior can produce. Obviously, this does not apply to our politicians. In the room a blemish makes more or less does not matter.
Of course, one intends to harm H.Krol imagine that would be the 50plus-seated parties would lose half their seats for no older with a brain goes to one as large vote of the majority and their partners tolerated.
pay attention to the established club that they had opppakken that make our country totally going to hell. read first that they have no money for the mission in Iraq. they pay it all out of the pots coming years. that’s what I call once damaged. called the big guy hang but money is not there for. people we can see what awaits us again yes undress citizens again. we come up with all of us soon in deep poverty. that’s just schokkend.laat diekrol but walk
From this kind of “friends” you just have to have. There has never proved anything.
Well after PVV and Wilders now it’s all balls 50Plus and Henk Krol, 50Plus has potential and should be stopped in accordance with the established parties! By force if necessary, as we all know from the past .The crooks nest Courtyard gives subsidy only for boating & gt; PvdA, and recurrent Syria-goers etc etc
Hr.Krol is not the first, there were him many for !!! But these figures do not inhibit each other.
Henk Krol, dear Hans Vant 8:49 will damage only themselves. You may well be inadvertently piss off the game, but as often as Krol can never be accidentally. Inconceivable as such unreliable someone still attracts votes.
are amortized by politics, the Elderly and then success for the elderly party eyesore, so Krol and nice target for them.
He has now lied enough, right !!!!!
who comes to the elderly ?? correct, KROL, he is a threat to the Labour Party, with its 12 armchairs in the poll, this party has the older voters quite abandoned and krol must hang 3 million people over 65 are in this country as they wisely are they vote on krol in March, we are rid of this government. ps the PvdA is your pension is not safe.
And Mr. Krol still does not respond, yes, yes, !!
At the word “integer” you see for yourself in the mirror, if the shoe fits pulls him in and out of politics.
what’s worse, aircraft turn away money that is not there and that our economy down will catch up, or someone who might have made if it is, what money has yielded a picture. prettier ….
Dear Henk, never mind all those publications. 50 plus is now extra attention and that’s worth much more than paying attention to the people who want to get you. Slicing attention