Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Corio floor displays pieces of Hoog Catharijne away –

Corio floor displays pieces of Hoog Catharijne away –

By: editors
24-12-14 – 07:30
Tommie Hendriks floor with a piece of Hoog Catharijne. © Ruud Voest.

Corio gives pieces Hoog Catharijne away. And not just pieces; they are chunks of the marble floor. The stones, Jura marble, are millions of years old and there are millions of feet walked on.

Observant hikers probably have ever noticed that many fossils are found in the marble. Corio also, owner of the mall, was often comment upon and so it was decided to cut and give away a few square meters of the floor in pieces.

,, Fascinating ‘find Tommie Hendriks, town resident and retired olfactoloog (olfaction expert). He has a hard profound revulsion Hoog Catharijne. ,, It is unavoidable if you have to train. But it’s a shame that they have demolished such a large piece of the Old Town. The most unfortunate, it is still of the Utrecht Leidseweg. That was perhaps the most beautiful Jugendstil building in the Netherlands. ”

Most beautiful pieces
Yet he is curious about the pieces that came with the construction of the new passage from the ground chopped and in a bouwzak await those interested. ,, But the best pieces are still just in the floor. Look, here is an ammonite. ”

Corio spokesperson Danielle Berends says that interested parties can register via the Facebook page of the mall. ,, A few people there already have been reported. People should also report their reasons why they want a piece of the floor. Those with the best motivation to get a piece. ”

Corio can not guarantee that there are actually fossils in the undistributed debris. If there are more people report there are pieces of marble, the action will be repeated in the future. Tommie Hendriks does not play. He prefers water again in Catharijnesingel.


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