It is unlikely that the current government will implement the controversial asylum plan of the VVD, as coalition partner PvdA adamantly opposes
That VVD party leader Halbe Zijlstra said in interview with the Yahoo! News . Zijlstra said: ,, I understand the Labour Party that they are less enthusiastic about this plan, so if we want to achieve this we will need the majority have. But I am convinced that if it fails, it certainly will eventually be addressed. “
‘Bomblet among coalition
The VVD denies it asylum plan launched deliberately to place a bomblet among coalition “His party wants to keep just to the coalition agreement, Zijlstra states. ,, It does not say this, but we will continue to try to convince the parties in the broad sense of . the fact that this is a better solution “
Geert Wilders called the shelter plan after the statements by Zijlstra a” loose baggy ‘: ,, VVD bends again for Labour. Worthless. As promised 1,000 euros for everyone. “
According to the plan launched Sunday the VVD wants to completely close the borders to non-European asylum seekers and all those able to absorb in the region. This was the Liberals in a deluge of criticism stand
And this just to get the voters Wilders but one thing is for sure with this government they can mine something but do not get my vote because it goes so enter to Wilders but what you get from me
Yes, they would ever do something they promise !!!! What a scam.
And that is not all the homes already long resident in the Netherlands are available they will care less because they themselves can live with lovely big pay what they want. Tribute to the so socially socially concerned political leaders.
One wants so badly to Holland but once here virtue nothing about our culture, and those who love to asylum seekers will have paid here but that his salary because’m tired to entertain more guests and also yet to be scolded.
Time for a referendum. Let the Dutch people decide whether the borders should be closed.
Just like the people finally get our political parties increasingly realize that our asylum policy must be substantially changed! That this profit goes to seat me also clear! 1 or 2 vote once and then we have hopefully a right cabinet.
If the PTB and its few members now a swap with asylum seekers from the region, then the rest of the Netherlands is satisfied. But such a plan is just as unlikely to succeed as the external slam. The fifth column, terrorists should proceed because the EU has the price of the war is not yet inside. Drahi will say, come here it’s good for business.
The worst thing is who will pay for everything if there is no money for ??
Halbe Zijlstra is the echo of the VVD. His positions are rarely original, and rumble into the world with the obligatory “VVD, or should I say THE CABINET’S position?”. He does so with a soapbox rhetoric where the demagogue and former communist Marcus Bakker would envy. With his soulless jerk he would, in my view can represent any political party, because few people recognize the sound of chiming false! .
What did you think? VVD talks a lot, promised much and doing only the rich pleasure. Who are too busy inside their plush with scrabble etc. they have no time for security and a normal life for the elderly, children or the working Dutchman. Pleasant evening continue
Just another mendacious trial balloon to sprinkle sand in the eyes of voters. Smoothing fields messing around at it and think we do not have on.
What Rutte predicted in his angry mood, “I make the PVV hood ………” Is now back on the agenda because it passes this Wilders again to windward with a view at next election.
Should you look tonight invited to detection, you know what time it is equal ?? indeed TOO LATE !!!
So self interest goes beyond the country’s interest, maybe they do not understand it at all in the Hague, but they are employed by us, not the other
why do they not, at least they can all leave, majority-room they do not need? Last time they also have a law through the chamber geloods without their consent.
It must be bubble under the coalition. When the government talks about “long term”, that is almost 20 to 30 years, so it’s bullshit. The EU will find everything quite well because if they get money they lack the stories on the citizens.
This plan currently has no chance of success, The VVD wants to achieve with this plan that the closed outer limits, however, this is not only the Netherlands, but all EU countries, so such a plan will be submitted in Brussels and I highly doubt that this plan achieves a majority there.
Unfortunately, the VVD and PVV alone in here. If it is to be inundated left than with this hopeless adventurers. Most do not have any chance here to find work so that many unemployed are back at the expense of the taxpayer. Houses are built just so what do PvdA and D66 and Green Left with these figures. But a solution can hear from the left not just a lot of bluster. And who says there is no IS fighters sit between, if I say something crazy. And what the people want.
The WPB was against was to be expected, they do not go their (future) weigeren.Er get voters forget that the CDA / VVD their clique have brought the country to the factories and land / horticulture very cheap to werken.De VVD / CDA have their pockets meegevult here, and now the rest of mee.Hetzelfde is now happening again with the EUoostblokwerkers.De VVD / CDA clique earn money on the cheap laborers and those people forever remain in NL.Nooit vote for the VVD / CDA !! Only Geert W.
First, the VVD makes us happy. There is finally going to happen. Cash down I wrote yesterday. And today? VVD has backed down and throws so cheapen the trust in politics again. Bad action of the VVD. Our Netherlands is delivered to Europe and is overrun by fortune hunters. We turn to the costs. Being cut out a lot of amenities, but the influx of refugees this year released 750 million. Just bizarre. A free country no longer exists
oh PVV calls all the time, and now the VVD where everyone runs to nag the sign is at once a good idea ?
stop PvdA and VVD keep everyone happy sometimes with backtrack and not just to save the government, because there’s no reason to
These are trial balloons of the VVD! you can see how a butchering politics is the politics !! the time is right, the other going down !!
Weather bend for a party that only lose seats? When someone shows within the VVD sometimes balls !!! ???
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