Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Austria and Hungary adamant after consultation asylum plan – Elsevier

                             Tom Reijner


                 Austria and Hungary continue to refuse, and so goes the original plan – the inclusion of a total of 40,000 boat people – not. The number keeps stabbing at 32.000.

The Netherlands will be just agreement, and will “soon” begin accommodating additional asylum seekers, said Secretary of State for Asylum Klaas Dijkhoff (VVD) Monday after talks in Brussels with his European colleagues. He is dissatisfied with the outcome of the consultation. Dijkhoff would have preferred that the total number of 40,000 would be divided, and he wanted to know exactly “what country how many refugee shelters.


The reception in the Netherlands with more than 2,000 additional asylum seekers coming to Italy and Greece as relieve. In this southern European countries are the most boat refugees who make the crossing from North Africa, ashore. The admission will be done piecemeal. May come from September the first refugees in our country. The Member States of the European Union (EU) now think about what should happen with the remaining 8,000 asylum seekers.

According to Het Financieele Dagblad the other 24 EU Member States promise the difference the end of this year to make good. Individual Member States undertook to take voluntary 40,000 people to relocate and 20,000 additional asylum seekers from countries now absorb more refugees from war zones such as Lebanon and Turkey.

That 20,000 is met, but only thanks to the commitment of Norway, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Iceland. They take 4,098 refugees.

Binding quota

Netherlands will spend the next two years, 2,047 refugees a lake. It is the number requested by the European Commission in Brussels. Dijkhoff will be first improvements to the registration and fingerprinting of refugees arriving in Greece and Italy.

The special meeting came as last month, little progress had been made in the voluntary redistribution of asylum seekers on rest of the Union.

The European Commission actually wanted binding quotas, but most EU countries see nothing in a ‘mandatory’ solidarity. Germany and France allowed themselves to be rather critical of. The expectation is that it will still take several months before the first refugees from the Greek and Italian centers will come to the Netherlands



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