Monday, July 27, 2015

Damage by summer storms with 13 million euros –

This was reported by the Association of Insurers Monday.

The damage, according to a preliminary inventory especially occur to buildings, contents and vehicles of individuals and businesses. The storm also struck vacationers on the coast.

Probably the amount is still running, because the damage to public property and agriculture and the cost of canceled events are not counted. Several big festivals had to stop their event or whole aflasten due to weather

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Source: Reuters © Warn


Especially in Amsterdam, The Hague and Rotterdam led fallen trees, flying branches, roof tiles and debris damage. But the reports came from across the country

Especially holidaymakers at campsites and holiday parks had damage to tents, awnings and caravans at the hands of gusts

Video..: Damage by summer storms with 13 million euros


In addition, the Association expects a lot of so-called delayed claims of Dutch people who are on holiday and only later contact their insurance company.

“When trip insurance is the percentage of claims that ‘ n 30 percent higher than on a normal day, “said the Covenant. The umbrella organization advises people who are contacting on holiday abroad with neighbors, friends or acquaintances to see the situation in their home.

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Because of the storm, one dead and several wounded. Also, the road and rail traffic disrupted. KNMI had sat Code Red issued for the coastal provinces of North Holland, South Holland and Zeeland.

It was the worst June storm since records began in 1901. In IJmuiden Saturday wind speeds around 14.00 measured at 121 kilometers per hour.

It is the third major storm this year. In January, caused a storm for about several millions of euros in damages and the end of March was 10 million euros will be paid out after strong winds.

The costs due to extremely bad weather, the coming years will only rise as Due to climate change, the Association of Insurers reported in an April report published. Property and contents insurance can therefore be expensive.


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