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Sunday, January 31, 2016
More and more municipalities want to gauge support for referendum AZC – Volkskrant uses cookies to offer you the best user experience
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Rider Van der Vleuten wins GP Amsterdam –
The 27-year-old rider was the mare VDL Group C Arera the fastest clear round in the jump-off orange colored. He crossed the finish line after 37.44 seconds, which earned him a reward of more than 26,000 euros.
It was the second GP win of Van der Vleuten in the packed RAI. The first was in 2007. “Jumping Amsterdam is such a beautiful competition, because you just want to ride. If you win, that’s extra nice, ” replied the Dutchman.
My father Eric had already seen a few riders in the jump and gave some tips. I have kept to the plan that I had in my head, “the winner explained.
Van der Vleuten, a fixed value in the Dutch team, dived in Amsterdam more than a second under the time of the surprising Doron Kuipers (Zinius).
Kuipers had already Jeroen Dubbeldam (Carusso La Silla) ousted from first place in the provisional standings. Dubbeldam, world and European champion, finished third in the competition in Amsterdam.
No less than sixteen participants in the first course had no problems with the obstacles, among Who nine Dutch. The commands in the decisive circulation, which Leon Thijssen did not return, were difficult. Six riders were clear again, with the Belgian Olivier Philippaerts as the only foreigner.
Winner Van der Vleuten doubted at first whether he was in Amsterdam or at the World Cup in Zurich would launch but then decided nevertheless to take part in the GP in the capital. The Swiss Pius Schwizer won the race in his homeland.
By: ANP /
“Fight between two groups, but no shot ‘-
“Then two groups were fighting each other,” said a startled student who was a witness.
The police are still investigating whether there is, as was mentioned in the initial reports, was shot. “We have to number of people who say yes and some that says not,” said police spokeswoman said Sunday. “That’s why we are looking for more videos and to testify.”
The student “. I have not heard a shot” The latter also confirms owner Raymond Elzerman. “Absolutely not. That was also the conclusion of the technical study of gunshot residue and sleeves. That are not found. “
He speaks of a firm slugfest, but not panic. “It was as intense and exciting, but security guards were quickly on the spot, as did the police.”
“It is not true that there was no panic,” says the student who witnessed the slugfest. “People flew in panic over the podium to find a safe spot, wide tough guys screamed as if there was an attack.”
After five minutes, the fight was over. “Then we could go out one by one to get our coats.” For the student, who along with some friends visited the festival Intense, it was a fearful end of a pleasant evening. “Because it was really nice, well cared for, but this was really not normal.”
Also Elzerman speaks of a pleasant evening, until the fight broke out. “The music was already out when the two groups came together against which they were not so much fun together.”
Princess Beatrix celebrates 78th birthday –
Princess Beatrix Sunday became 78 years. The former monarch celebrates her birthday is expected within the family circle. Monday is flagged for her
The princess announced her resignation on January 28, 2013, three days before her 75th birthday and shortly after state visits to Brunei and Singapore. In the televised speech in which she announced her intention Beatrix expressed the wish that they ,, many of you can still often meet ”.
The voluntary retirement therefore did not mean that the princess disappeared completely from view. Even when Princess Beatrix finds it “inspiring to feel involved with people, empathize with grief and sharing in times of joy and national pride.” She was at the national memorial for the victims of the downed flight MH17, but also at the celebrations of 200 years of Kingdom
Café evacuated after possible shooting –
A large catering facility in Breda was evacuated early Sunday after a report that would be shot. Then hundreds of people had to leave the building, police said. Agents have searched the building but found no weapon or suspect
A number of people were according to a police spokeswoman slightly injured during the evacuation . The victims have been treated by ambulance personnel. No one was found with gunshot wounds. The police are still investigating whether actually shot in the matter to the Reigerstraat
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Catering Business Breda cleared after possible shooting –
Then hundreds of people had to leave the building, police said. Agents have searched the building but found no weapon or suspect.
A number of people were according to a police spokeswoman slightly injured during the evacuation. The victims have been treated by ambulance personnel. No one was found with gunshot wounds. The police are still investigating whether actually shot in the matter to the Reigerstraat
By:. ANP
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Injured steward makes it good –
The female steward who was injured Saturday morning when during a workout Cambuur a firework on the pitch was thrown, had surgery on her ankle and it makes for good conditions. Reported that the club Saturday night on Twitter
The woman tried to kick out the fireworks, but it exploded and she injured her foot. The steward remained on the field while assistant hurried. She later was treated in the catacombs and brought to the hospital.
On the last training session of the team Henk de Jong were over 3,000 fans come down. The duel between Cambuur and Heerenveen is Sunday afternoon finished 14:30 in Leeuwarden
Good news: the injured steward this afternoon had successful surgery on her ankle and it makes for good conditions. #Cambuur
– SC Cambuur (SCCambuurLwd) January 30, 2016
Closed for a fourth time on Saturday portion highway –
At the end of the A12 motorway leading to the congestion at so much dissatisfaction with waiting motorists that police 44 fines handed out to users who misbehaved.
The A12 Gouda was Saturday extended period closed after a chain collision involving estimated fifteen cars were involved. Four people were injured thereby.
The relief operation following the police lasted extra long due to misconduct of file riders. ” People reason massively on the hard shoulder, against traffic and hereby were even some riots ”, as informed the police.
” Because we had to regulate this behavior we had fewer colleagues for collision and this took even longer. In addition, the emergency services could not get over the shoulder in order to come in the accident. With all its consequences. “
Earlier Saturday the Dam was closed for hours because of a broken bridge. The A12 Gouda also went close after an extended period pileup. The A59 was also some time out after an accident.
That happened at the height of Den Bommel.
The A59 was also closed for some time after an accident. That happened at the height of Den Bommel.
On Saturday closed part of a highway for the fourth time. Due to an accident with several cars on the A15 at the height of the exit Geldermalsen highway which was closed between Nijmegen and Gorinchem. The road was open again around 21:30 pm
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Over 1,300 reports of violence in and around refugee camps – places cookies in order to provide an optimal user experience. The cookies are used to monitor the use of the website and analyze so that we can improve the website. In addition, we place cookies that allow to share the content through social media and to tailor the site content and ads on your preferences. These types of cookies may be placed by third parties. By this notification to click away or to continue using this site you consent to this. Read more about cookies at
COA record eight thousand incidents in asylum centers –
The COA registered more than 1,300 reports of physical attacks on and around locations where asylum seekers are received. These are for example to kicking and beating, as the Ministry of Security and Justice announced Saturday.
Also counted 369 “self-destructive actions.” It involves, for example hunger strikes or self-mutilation.
Secretary of State Klaas Dijkhoff (Security and Justice) sends the figures to parliament Saturday. He announced to be cautious in drawing conclusions. “I want to be transparent in his, everybody can see them. Comparisons with other places or groups, I will not do. That necessarily go wrong.”
Loze notifications
Police also kept track of how many incidents occurred at shelter facilities and amounted to about 4460 messages. Ranging from human trafficking to lost ID papers and false alarms.
It was only in 337 cases of aggression, there were considerably less than the COA. That’s according to the Ministry by COA staff many conflicts yourself.
Morals Affairs
The police also recorded 55 sexual abuse cases. They would mostly play between residents of reception centers.
“A single registration is about attempted abuse of a minor refugee by a Dutch man and an attempted sexual assault of a Dutch woman by a man who may have come from COA reception center in that location “
By:. ANP
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Friday, January 29, 2016
Protection for whistleblowers around Teeven deal –
Employees who do so will have the same protection as the whistleblower policy of the Ministry, as assured Minister Ard van der Steur Friday.
The minister reported to the House that the committee of inquiry into the Teeven deal, is now preparing to do new research.
Van der Steur decided to resurrect this committee Oosting new life after the recent revelations about the weather Teeven deal had come out. This shows that somebody within the Ministry ordered the IT staff no longer have to search for the evidence of the amount of the settlement, the so-called ‘receipt’
According to the minister, the commission will conduct its investigation with “due diligence”. A deadline is not fixed, because of “the importance of a thorough and careful investigation,” Van der Steur.
The committee is fully aware of the express wish of the House that the investigation will be completed within the shortest possible time, according to Van der Steur further.
The Teeven deal led to the fall of the predecessor of Van der Steur, Ivo Opstelten, and Under-Secretary Fred Teeven. Which then hit the million settlement as prosecutor. Also Chamber President Anouchka van Miltenburg was forced to resign in response to the question
By:. ANP
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Spellchecker no longer allowed to test dyslexic students – National Education Guide
Students with disabilities could always turn on the computer to provide their texts from a spell checker. The rules have changed from October. A wish of politics is that since 2016 the spelling skills in the examination will count. Because CvTE rule for everybody wanted to equalize, it also applies to people with dyslexia.
Political parties PvdA, SP, CDA, D66 and PVV do not agree with the change. “This is unfair and never the intention of the Chamber, ” said CDA Michel Rog.” Our desire is to briefly translated by the turn. ” Loes Ypma (PvdA) wants a debate on appropriate education clarifying Dekker Secretary of Education.
A spokesman for the Ministry of Education states that exams should be equal for everyone. “The number of points that can be deducted for spelling is limited. Children with dyslexia may well pass their exams. “
© National Education Guide
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Omroep Flevoland to judge about regulation Luttelgeest –
That’s manager Allard Berends Friday announced to
“It makes little sense to go to the police to report it,” he explained in the broadcast of Omroep Flevoland . “But we do want to oppose this regulation. This is something that can not, and what we never want to do with it. This we must once and for all eradicate the Netherlands.”
Berends says Friday morning to have a lot of support from colleagues got for his decision. “This is not a problem for Omroep Flevoland, but this affects the journalism of our country,” says the director.
The over-proportional
Journalists union NVJ considering legal to take steps to prevent the press as happened in the municipality of Noordoostpolder to occur in the future.
“This measure is disproportionate,” the union said in a statement. “After similar incidents in Harderwijk include Heesch and this is yet another case where the press will be denied access and its monitoring and verslagleggende task can not do.” The NVJ calls the emergency decree in Luttelgeest “an alarming and democracy unworthy horse means.”
Minister Ronald Plasterk (Interior) stated Friday that journalists “basically” free should be able to do their work. Only specific reasons, such as security or if the space is too small, can be a reason to exclude the press and not to let anyone inside.
Residents had freely during the briefing can speak, says Mayor Aucke van der Werff of Northeast (where Luttelgeest covered). Add to that press had been there, had people may feel inhibited in their expression.
” It noodbevel in the eyes of the media may be a drastic measure. On the one hand, I regret the use of this also, it should not be necessary. On the other side was our priority when contacting the local residents, ” said Van der Werff.
” It was important that they could express themselves in peace and freedom without the pressure of the media thereto. We have seen in recent weeks what effect that might have. ”
The mayor says that the regional broadcasting in Flevoland did not want to respect the private nature of the meeting. Van der Werff: ” The police have repeatedly asked journalists Thursday to stand at a distance from the location. Ultimately chose the instrument of a noodbevel to send them out of the ground. ”
Jurisprudence Jan Brouwer of the University of Groningen (RUG) called the decision of the municipality Northeast “unique”. “I can only remember the case in 2001, when an emergency decree was to make it impossible for journalists to reach the house of then-prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Máxima.” This decision also when journalists got to the courts, they were vindicated.
According to Brouwer, a municipality or ward journalists at a closed meeting. “But you can not forbid them to stand at the exit and to request comments on the people who were present at”, explains the professor. “The question of asylum seekers is an interesting public debate that is frustrated when the press can not do its job.”.
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Thursday, January 28, 2016
Assault Case azc Almere is extended – places cookies in order to provide an optimal user experience. The cookies are used to monitor the use of the website and analyze so that we can improve the website. In addition, we place cookies that allow to share the content through social media and to tailor the site content and ads on your preferences. These types of cookies may be placed by third parties. By this notification to click away or to continue using this site you consent to this. Read more about cookies at
Volkert van der G. does not return to cell –
The murderer of Pim Fortuyn, Volkert van der G., do not reuse the jail. Van der G. has the conditions associated with its early release, not breaking
This is the result of an investigation by the probation, reports Yahoo! News. Van der G. was seen in September 2015 in the TV program Reporter Focal through an action with hidden camera. In the broadcast he said that was put a picture of him in The Guardian in scene. Van der G. also told that he would not work, because he can not litigate free.
A spokesman for the Ministry of Security and Justice just want to say that Minister Ard van der Steur soon with a letter comes to parliament.
Van der G. came in May 2014 conditionally released after serving two thirds of his sentence of eighteen years in prison. He shot Fortuyn on May 6, 2002 death. The conditions include that he must report weekly to the probation service. Neither shall he in Rotterdam, Hilversum, The Hague and get the home of relatives and the victim. It is also forbidden to have contact with his relatives and the press
International research on victims of abuse –
That the National Rapporteur on Trafficking and Sexual Violence against Children Thursday.
“Images of abuse continue to exist, which means that you as the victim can not quit the abuse,” said rapporteur Corinne Dettmeijer .
“Also, victims must live with the knowledge that many people witnessed their abuse, and there even enjoy it.”
Dettmeijer encourages victims to participate in the study. The questionnaire focuses attention on the nature of the abuse, the relationship between victim and perpetrator and the manner and timing of the abuse came to light.
Victims can complete the questionnaire online. Police, Victim Support and Meldpunt people will always point to that possibility. It is intended that the research end of the year are published.
A working group of experts from Canada, the US, Germany and the Netherlands viewing based on the results of research how policies, legislation and outreach can be customized.
The questions address the mental, physical and social consequences of the abuse, the spread of the images, and any justice then, have had .
Thursday appeared a Canadian report that over 43,000 photos and videos of sexual abuse have been analyzed. “The victims in the images and the possessors of child pornography come from almost all countries of the world,” fills a spokeswoman for the Dutch National Rapporteur on. “The images, often the same, have been notified by approximately 150,000 people.”
On four of the five photos and videos of his children to see eleven years old or younger. The younger the child, the more serious the abuse. Of adults who are visible, is 83 percent male. Over two thirds of the pornographic material is made in the home
By:. ANP
New research into assaults Almere –
The prosecution showed Thursday that a third declaration has been received and that new studies are needed for men (eighteen and twenty years old) must be brought to justice. There would be a meeting on February 9, but which now expires. A new date yet to be determined.
In the incident on September 27 in the center of Almere were four suspects and involved four victims. Two victims did earlier declaration. A third has now surely done
The case led to commotion.; parents of girls involved were afraid that the case “political correctness” was hushed up. The PVV and the VNL party in parliament complained of a whitewash
By:. ANP
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