It is also being used more at home there, so according to that party problems too late to be visible.
” A comprehensive approach is needed which people stand with their feet in the clay can best devise ” said CDA MP Hanke Bruins Slot. Her proposal is supported by PvdA, SP and D66.
The CDA wants a national team is set up with people who work with GHB addicts in practice. These are, among others, nurses, therapists, police officers and representatives from schools that deal daily with the social consequences of GHB use have.
International drug policy
Thursday debating the Lower House Minister Martin van Rijn (Health) on drug policy. PvdA and D66 will be providing a different approach to international drug policy
According to MPs Marith Volp (PvdA) and Vera Bergkamp (D66) does the war on drugs -. Which drug use criminalizes – not so they write in an opinion piece in the True .
The focus should shift to prevention and reduction of health risks. Ten percent of the money that is now spent on drug control should therefore go to the care of drug users.
” In the note that today we will hand over to Van Rijn Secretary of Health, states that the production and trafficking in drugs should be regulated. That’s not in the coalition agreement” said Bergkamp.
Van Rijn in April takes part in a meeting of the United Nations on international drug policy.
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