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Monday, February 29, 2016
Room on the way to separate reception homosexual refugees –
This is evident from statements made by MPs from the government parties PvdA and VVD Monday in the program Nieuwsuur .
The Labour Party joins the proposal by opposition party D66. Labour parliamentarian Attje Chick expects thus a majority in the vote on Tuesday.
The VVD does not view the plan, and is thus in line with VVD state secretary Klaas Dijkhoff (Asylum). ‘Newcomers must respect the Dutch standards. We must tackle the perpetrators, ” says Malik Azmani VVD.
According to the gay interest group COC threatened and bullied gay refugees. The problem could occur particularly in the emergency shelter.
D66 stressed people do not want to deal with separately, but it will have to if they are in acute distress, says parliamentarian Pia Dijkstra.
By: Reuters
Hans Teeuwen performs in the Aplha tent on Lowlands – uses cookies to offer you the best user experience
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‘Dutch executed in Syria after conflict with IS “- Volkskrant uses cookies to offer you the best user experience
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Last year, 30 suspected war criminals asylum seekers in the Netherlands – Volkskrant uses cookies to offer you the best user experience
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Syrian activists report execution eight Dutch fighters Syria – Volkskrant uses cookies to offer you the best user experience
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Hans Teeuwen on main stage Lowlands –
Hans Teeuwen this summer with his new show Real Resentment on the main stage at Lowlands
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it was recently announced that the comedian this year returns to theaters for its first program in years. In August, he now is also at Lowlands in the Alpha tent, made concert organizer Mojo known.
The twenty-fourth edition of the festival is from 19 to August 21 in Biddinghuizen.
ticket sales for the new presentation of Teeuwen storm passes. On the 31 originally scheduled shows there are already six toegevoegd.Tussen May and August, he plays almost forty times in major theaters in several cities in the Netherlands and Belgium
Number of young people and over-45s on welfare grown significantly –
Last year there were about four thousand social assistance recipients under 27 years, the Central Bureau reports for Statistics (CBS) on Monday. In 2014, the number still virtually the same as the previous year.
The 45-somethings were eleven thousand entrants with the largest group of entrants in 2015. There were eleven thousand. This number is comparable to the inflow of the previous two years.
“Once in the assistance is a return to work difficult,” writes CBS. Although the unemployment rate decreases in this group, it is relying on assistance not diminished under-45s.
Among 27- to 45-year olds, the need for assistance but little grown. There were no two thousand benefit claimants in this age group.
A total of 450,000 people received social assistance end of 2015, that there are sixteen more than a year earlier. The number of people on welfare shows since 2009 already show an upward trend.
Assistance is intended for people who do not have enough income or assets to meet their living expenses.
Married or cohabiting couples under state pension age receive up to 100 percent of the minimum wage. And singles get 70 percent of the minimum wage. For young people between 18 and 21 years, the benefit is based on the child.
According to the statistical office hangs the increase in the number of young benefit claimants with the influx of young people in 2015 who are partially disabled. These were an estimated two to three thousand.
Until 2015, they were still in many cases receive a Wajong benefit. But since the introduction of the participation Act only come into consideration youth that are sustainable and fully disabled. In 2014 there were monthly fourteen hundred recipients of a Wajong benefit. Last year, there were only three hundred
Partially disabled young people with little or no income can apply for social assistance from the municipality
Eindhovenaar suspicious of big scams –
a man of 35 in Eindhoven was arrested Monday as he certainly four people would have ripped off for a total of over one million euros. The victims, men from Jordan and Saudi Arabia, purchased separately used trucks of the suspect but were never delivered
the police began in October with an investigation into the practices of the Eindhovenaar it early Monday morning led to his arrest. In the man’s house a firearm and ammunition were seized. The man is suspected that he has offered to buy some fifty trucks through international advertising.
The victims Netherlands visited before and also got to see real trucks. After they had made the trucks, however, were never delivered the money once, police said
Erasmus MC will receive training for cosmetic procedures –
Doctors learn that perform treatments that are medically unnecessary, writes the Volkskrant on Monday. It comes to Botox, fillers, peels and laser treatments.
The demand for such training was mainly from young dermatologists says professor of dermatology and initiator of the training Tamar Nijsten in the newspaper. “Everyone does but whatever. It lacks formal training,” she says.
The training should lift the treatments to a higher level. According Nijsten be told dermatologists six months of intensive training in giving botox injections and doing laser treatments.
Other hospitals have their doubts about the plans and within dermatology are disapproving noises. The criticisms include that doctors are trained to perform treatments that serve no medical purpose.
According Nijsten fit training in a time of strong demand for botox and fillers. “Then you’d better make sure that it is done as well as possible.”
The UMC Groningen is already a university private clinic for aesthetic surgery since 2010. The Dutch Society for Cosmetic Medicine (NVCG) put a program in 2014 to provide professional cosmetic doctor a protected title
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Police are investigating shootings in Rotterdam –
In the night from Saturday to Sunday was shot well on the Spanish curve, the night before were dozens of shots into the Crone Steinstraat in Rotterdam Overschie.
‘It is unacceptable that there are now again in a residential area criminals apparently settle disputes, “the police told ” the big thing to pick up.”
on the Spanish curve in the Rotterdam district Spangen residents heard shots around 01:00. Afterwards, the police found a dozen shells in the street. Four parked cars had bullet holes.
A night earlier attacked dozens of shots into the Crone Steinstraat. Also there were several cars damaged. Following the shooting, police stopped three men: two 22-year-old Rotterdam and Portuguese 29
Video:. Rotterdam for the second stage of shooting
By:! ANP
IND: Suspicious Syrians in the Netherlands – uses cookies and similar technologies ( “Cookies”) among others to provide you with a better user experience. Also, we can thus capture the visitor behavior and analyzing and thereby improve our website. Cookies of ourselves and of others can be used to show ads and recommend articles that fit your interests.
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PVV angry about criticism professor at Wilders –
The PVV is angry at a professor of public administration pulling fiercely in an interview at PVV leader Geert Wilders. The party believes that this professor Paul Frissen of the University of Tilburg, who is also dean of the Dutch School of Public Administration, must provide two functions
the PVV writes this Sunday evening to Minister Jet Bussemaker (Education, Culture and Science) following the interview with the regional broadcaster 1Limburg. Refresh said that all political parties should Wilders attacks. He points out that Wilders populations separate sets: ,, The demonization of minorities, we / they think the classic fascist story through history heen.”
The PVV argues that Freshen reaching influence as dean on the thinking and actions of high officials. A person with such an authority should be without ideological judgments without any scientific basis, according to the party. They will in turn the statements demoniserend
“All political parties should Wilders attacks’ – 1Limburg – News and Sport from Limburg
The professor of public administration at the University of Tilburg made this statement Sunday in the L1 radio show The Vote .
Freshen notes that Wilders populations separate sets and suggests that they should be deported. “The demonization of minorities, we / they think the classic fascist story throughout history. All political parties should attack him. And that is only done to a limited extent.”
Fake -parlement the
derived from Limburg political philosopher the term “fake parliament” is an anti-democratic ruling. “The ax at the root of our democracy. He should be immediately corrected. This is awfully dangerous.” Freshen calls it a “great shame” that Prime Minister Rutte refuses “on behalf of the Dutch people” to take action against Wilders.
cap from the kettle
Independent Dutch MP Roland van Vliet does not take into the mouth the word fascist. “The PVV is rather an opportunistic club sailing on daily rates.” He Wilders calls the “cap of the kettle, which acts as an outlet for people with frustrations and gut feelings.” According to the former PVV MP “Wilders solutions fit on the back of a cigar box and are not embedded in a realistic scenario.”
Survival Artist At
whether the PVV is a long life, Van Vliet replied: “If Wilders stops, the PVV is three weeks away, but he is a survival artist If he stays parliamentarian – and that is his wish – there’s about.. ten years still PVV, with a rank of eight to twelve seats. Not anymore. “
Listen to the debate back here.
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Investigation into cause collapse shop Den Bosch – Volkskrant uses cookies to offer you the best user experience
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Confused man Etten-Leur threatens police with knife –
The 22-year-old man walked with a large knife and an electroshock weapon around on the square, where he threatened people and someone tried to stabbing.
Immediately after the alarmed police had arrived, he stuck with it knife through the back window of the police car. When officers surrounded the bleeding man, he threw the knife at a police dog and threatened him
the police with taser. The two policemen felt so threatened that they drew their service weapons and almost simultaneously firing a warning shot. The man threw the electroshock weapon away, after which he was arrested.
Earlier in the evening he had arranged in a pub for problems in which he tried to stabbing a staff member.
By: Reuters
Dalfsen track recovery is in full swing; trains in shed Meppel hoisted –
Dalfsen / Meppel – The restoration of the track at Dalfsen after the collision Tuesday between a train and a platform, is in full swing. Masts of the catenary, rails, sleepers and railway equipment were severely damaged. Reported ProRail.
Yesterday ProRail been working with contractor Strukton preparatory work, including supply of material. ProRail can not say when the work has been completed.
The repair work yesterday afternoon started immediately after the last train part was towed and taken to Meppel. Here, the examination of the four trains instead. Today they were hoisted into the shed. The trains were too high and had to be removed in part to the top.
Rail Damage
The track at Dalfsen is severely damaged. Two steel catenary portals (the poles to which the overhead is) including the foundation it must be renewed. The track is completely damaged over a length of over 180 meters and is completely replaced. Besides new rails, there are three hundred new sleepers needed and will be paid four hundred tons of gravel track (ballast). The overhead is a distance of three hundred meters completely renewed.
When crossing the Lageveld placed a totally new level crossing system (AHOB) and replaced a high-voltage cabinet is damaged.
After salvaging the last train part yesterday afternoon started with the removal of the damaged rails, sleepers and rail gravel. Also, two masts of the overhead including the renewed foundation. Also excavated soil which was contaminated with diesel from the platform, and oil and coolant from the train. In their place is clean alleged ground.
There are 60 railway workers employed per 24 hours. After the track is renewed, can be started with the work on the overhead line. When the portals are back and the wiring is pulled back, everything tested. Only when everything functions properly trains can start driving again. Because of the accident driving between Ommen and Zwolle buses instead of trains
Read also:.
Train Wreckage Dalfsen for research in Meppel (video)
Low loader with train crashed Dalfsen arrive tonight in Meppel
railway Zwolle – Ommen remains congealed for days
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Building collapsed in Den Bosch: “I heard a bang hitting” – Volkskrant uses cookies to offer you the best user experience
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Wilders case over ‘less Moroccans’ delayed – uses cookies and similar technologies ( “Cookies”) among others to provide you with a better user experience. Also, we can thus capture the visitor behavior and analyzing and thereby improve our website. Cookies of ourselves and of others can be used to show ads and recommend articles that fit your interests.
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Saturday, February 27, 2016
Jewish support for endangered mosques –
the Dutch Union for Progressive Judaism, the Muslim community strength required after threatening letters last week have been delivered to various mosques. The letters are depicted a swastika and the eagle of Nazi Germany, accompanied by the text ,, soon visit high !! Pigs. Anti-Islam. Islam is false and diabolical religion ”
,, The Jewish community knows where it may ultimately lead to. It again shows how Muslims and Jews need each other, “the progressive Jews in a letter to Muslim communities and mosques. ,, The threats swastika and pigs are offensive, insulting and threatening, and represents the Jews feelings of solidarity.”
In the letter show the Jews solidarity with the Muslims. ,, We wish the Muslims in our country strength and resistance against this unacceptable curses, “they write.
The Union for Progressive Judaism is a denomination in which ten progressive Jewish communities are united. It was established in 1931.
Retail Den Bosch collapsed during renovation – uses cookies and similar technologies ( “Cookies”) among others to provide you with a better user experience. Also, we can thus capture the visitor behavior and analyzing and thereby improve our website. Cookies of ourselves and of others can be used to show ads and recommend articles that fit your interests.
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Building collapsed in Den Bosch –
A building on the market in Den Bosch on Saturday night around 23:00 collapsed by unknown causes. A spokesman for the security said there were probably no people present in the building. “But the guarantee for that we have not yet.”
There will be searched with dogs for possible victims. The fire department has inspected the debris from a platform.
It is a store optician chain Pearle, with apartments above, the spokesman said. According to Omroep Brabant the Pearle was closed due to a renovation. The construction workers were, according to bystanders tonight until ten o’clock at work. More than an hour later storrte the building “if in slow motion ‘in another, say bystanders. Or above the shop actually people attended, is unclear.
According to a livestream on Periscope of eyewitness Wouter Camp are several vehicles from the fire site, as well as some ambulances. Mayor Ton Rombouts is spot on.
The building stood on the east side of the market, on the corner with Hinthamerstraat. Next to it is the house where the famous painter Jeroen Bosch lived. As far as we known that property is not damaged.
At the market a light show was set for a performance of Jeroen Bosch next week.
I understand that there are no injuries. Birthplace Hieronymus Bosch stands still. Medevac now also #OB
- Noël van Hooft (@NoelvanHooft) February 27, 2016
Police frees man from bathroom –
What initially appeared to be a domestic quarrel, ultimately proved to be a case of unwanted self-confinement in Amsterdam West
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Runners were on the night of Friday to Saturday at a house in Willem de Zwijgerlaan gone after a report about screams and banging. With the help of a neighbor managed to get runners on the balcony of the conscious home and they were able to go inside, so the police writes on Facebook.
There, they learned what real was happening. The resident said to have locked himself in the bathroom. He had no way more open the door. According to the police there was nothing than the use of ‘buddy 42′, or kicking in the bathroom door. The liberated man reacted very relieved
Helmond deceased woman showing crime victim –
Passersby saw the woman Monday on the bike path to the Bakelsedijk down and turned off the emergency services. She is resuscitated, but the help to no avail. The woman left around 22:15 pm her dog.
The police are urgently looking for witnesses, particularly anyone who drove around 22:00 with his scooter on the Bakel Dijk.
By: Reuters
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