Saturday, 20. February 2016 – 13:50 Update: 21-02-2016 9:43
Zijlstra: “Values such as freedom and tolerance, we have fought hard for. Newcomers we expect them to adapt to our values and our freedoms. But confesses that we have to defend ourselves and propagate. Because if we do not, we will lose them in the end. ” According to the VVD Netherlands has been banned in recent years by the economic crisis. That crisis would now be averted, but there is also creating a creeping more fundamental crisis: that our way of life is under pressure
We have a society here which everyone is equal regardless of gender, sexual orientation or. faith. Where you can decide on abortion and euthanasia. Church and state are separated here. But according to the VVD, these values come under pressure. The threat from the extremist Muslim angle such attacks, scare us. Not only afraid to take things, but also to speak out. Our freedom of speech, according to Zijlstra restricted to self-censorship. Criticism of the excesses of Islam, one does not dare to give more for fear of violence. This self-censorship undermines the balance in our democracy, because only if we all can freely say and write, correction of extremist ideas instead.
According to the VVD Netherlands should actively defend its values. That means for example not cooperate segregated swimming for (Muslim) men and women, but stress the equality between men and women. And that also means that a school does not have to remove a poster of Charlie Hebdo because Muslim students find that offensive. If we continue to tolerate this kind of intolerance, we will eventually lose our own values. We must abandon our relativistic attitude. Consider the feelings of others should not cause our basic values (no longer) be defended says Zijlstra.
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