Last year there were about four thousand social assistance recipients under 27 years, the Central Bureau reports for Statistics (CBS) on Monday. In 2014, the number still virtually the same as the previous year.
The 45-somethings were eleven thousand entrants with the largest group of entrants in 2015. There were eleven thousand. This number is comparable to the inflow of the previous two years.
“Once in the assistance is a return to work difficult,” writes CBS. Although the unemployment rate decreases in this group, it is relying on assistance not diminished under-45s.
Among 27- to 45-year olds, the need for assistance but little grown. There were no two thousand benefit claimants in this age group.
A total of 450,000 people received social assistance end of 2015, that there are sixteen more than a year earlier. The number of people on welfare shows since 2009 already show an upward trend.
Assistance is intended for people who do not have enough income or assets to meet their living expenses.
Married or cohabiting couples under state pension age receive up to 100 percent of the minimum wage. And singles get 70 percent of the minimum wage. For young people between 18 and 21 years, the benefit is based on the child.
According to the statistical office hangs the increase in the number of young benefit claimants with the influx of young people in 2015 who are partially disabled. These were an estimated two to three thousand.
Until 2015, they were still in many cases receive a Wajong benefit. But since the introduction of the participation Act only come into consideration youth that are sustainable and fully disabled. In 2014 there were monthly fourteen hundred recipients of a Wajong benefit. Last year, there were only three hundred
Partially disabled young people with little or no income can apply for social assistance from the municipality
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