There were mostly fewer victims of property crimes and vandalism, is evident from the Security Monitor 2015 by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), the Ministry of Security and Justice, the National Police and local authorities.
number of juvenile offenders (12 to 18) also fell again: the number of registered suspects took between 2010 and 2014 from 3.1 to 1.9 per hundred peers and the number of convicted perpetrators of 1.5 to 0.8 <. / p>
Create report
Remarkably self-report gives a very different picture: when young people are asked whether they have committed an offense, says 35 percent though to have done in 2015 (and 38 percent in 2010).
the CBS does not know where this difference comes from, but suggests that it could be that the self-report also focuses on lighter forms of crime, where police and justice not to pass come.
The number of people who were victims of cyber crime last year was about the same as previous years (11 percent). Why were fewer victims of skimming, phishing and hacking
More people were the victims of buying and selling fraud:. For example, people who bought something online but not paid for, or people who paid something and nothing there were sent for.
36 percent sometimes feel unsafe. This is comparable to last year. seen over a period of ten years, people feel increasingly safe. Between 2005 and 2015, the proportion of the population that feels unsafe, with 26 percent.
The share has actually been the victim of one or more offenses, fell by 36 percent. The police registered 29 percent fewer crimes and the number of suspects dropped by 35 percent.
Large cities
In the four major cities of insecurity are the highest (43 percent). This also applies to the victim by 26 percent.
Men are more likely than women victims of violence and vandalism and young people are more often than older people. Lesbians are more often victims of violence and gay men of property crimes and vandalism
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