Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Enschede gets world’s first super cable – Utilities

 The pilot with the previously announced ‘super cable’ comes when it is in Enschede to TenneT. Based on a number of criteria, TenneT route of 3.4 kilometers between the substations and Enschede Enschede Heekstraat Vechtstraat selected as the venue for this world premiere. TenneT now going to look together with the municipality of Enschede and superconductivity technology can be applied to this place.

TenneT wants to build an underground superconducting power system from two to four kilometers long for the Dutch electricity grid. Nowhere in the world superconductivity is still applied over this distance. TenneT wants to initiatives like these to meet the needs of society.

The Super Rope is a so-called HTS cable which stands for High Temperature Superconductivity. The superconductor can carry up to a thousand times more current than copper and the cooling system in addition to a superconducting cable to carry five times more power than a copper cable, where the current underground high-voltage lines to date are usually made of. A superconducting cable has by cooling to -200 degrees Celsius and virtually no resistance creates no losses during transport of current. The superconducting state is achieved by cooling with liquid nitrogen. The current 110-150kV cables need of space for heat twelve meters wide over the entire route. Because they produce no heat, HTS cables can be placed much closer together. This requires three meter will most likely already be sufficient. In addition, no magnetic field, the HTS cable caused.


TenneT pull this project together with various research institutes. Researchers at Delft University of Technology, University of Twente, the Institute for Science and Development (IWO), HAN and RH Marine (formerly Imtech Marine) are among other concern themselves with the requirements that the cable must comply and the control and measuring technology. It is planned that the project will be completed in 2019.


TenneT does not provide that the superconducting cable can be used in all current projects. This requires first is research and experience. The new cable may initially be applied to journeys of up to four kilometers. A longer route for the time being is not achievable in connection with the necessary supply of nitrogen in order to cool the cable. In addition, the technique is very expensive; the cable is much more expensive than a standard 110 or 150kV cable. The development goes fast. In mass production and improved cooling can be expected that in the future such cables often and will be implemented over a longer distance.


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