Sunday, March 6, 2016

Labour historic low in poll Dog – Yahoo! News

Government Party PvdA is at a historically low number of seats dropped in the weekly poll by Maurice de Hond. The party fell last week, one seat and opens up to eight seats if elections were held now, says the Dog.

In the House, the Labour Party after government partner VVD the largest party with 36 seats. The Labour Party came this week less in the news when the parliamentary group agreed to a discussion on refugees against a proposal of GroenLinks, which was exactly the same as Diederik Samson earlier that day had presented itself.

Samson wanted Rutte at the euro summit on refugees, tomorrow in Brussels, would call for an airlift to Turkey to collect refugees but when GroenLinks with a similar motion came during the discussion, the group voted against.

Correspondent’s dinner
The VVD is the recent weeks a bit better in the polls of the Dog, the party gained two seats in and is thus 23 . Dog sees a link with the jokes Mark Rutte was mid-February when called Correspondents’ dinner. When Rutte took American example the Dutch press on the heel. Since that night his party won five seats, which was at the expense of the PVV (now 38 seats) and the Christian Democrats (dropped to 18).

The Dog said before suspecting that a second edition of the Correspondents’ Dinner – next year, a month before the election -. Will affect the campaign and the election

D66 also in negative
the SP is first increased (to 17). D66 drops to 14 (minus 1), the lowest score since October 2012. GL has regained 16 (plus 1), equaling the highest score ever.

The poll also asked about it or flexibility of labor. Of those with a permanent contract would want to be a quarter or a freelancer or flexworker. But those with a flexible contract wants three quarters just prefer a permanent job. VVD and D66 voters seem to have a preference for flexible working. Voters PvdA, SP, Green and PVV are mainly for counteracting it

PVV leader Geert Wilders reacts gleeful on the poll:

More on

RTL News / Reuters


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