Het Parool writes Saturday that Amsterdam’s top official Pieter Jan Mijksenaar (1901-1975) actively cooperated in the deportation of Jews during World War II.
“Now that we know this his name should not be longer immortalized and honored with a room in the town hall, “let CIDI (Centre for Information and Documentation Israel) know. Because “now appears that Mijksenaar in the years 1942-1943 the occupiers enthusiastically helped with the deportations of Jews and that he strove to make this process run smoothly and efficiently.”
Het Parool is based on a recently published dissertation. There, according to the newspaper Mijksenaar expressions of the two faces. He saved two Jews (and later was honored before) but he also devised plans to accelerate the forced relocation of Jews to ghettos.
According to the author of the dissertation, Stephan Steinmetz, Amsterdam officials during the war often had an ambivalent attitude: when it comes to Jews as a group were often prevailed apathy; but many have helped individual Jewish acquaintances.
A spokesman for the City of Amsterdam announced that the results and facts of the thesis to be studied carefully and followed by a response.
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