The asylum seekers who arrive in the future reception in Overvecht offered directly activities in this unique concept as language lessons in Dutch and English, training and entrepreneurship assistance in finding internship, training or daily activities. Through this Utrecht concept applicants can bind much faster with the city
alderman Kees Diepeveen:. “We want to offer meaningful activities so that applicants work on their future, whether that is here or in the country of origin. can join also local people and get new opportunities to work on their future. “
What this plan apart is that the activities accessible for local residents in Overvecht. Further facilities of the emergency building at Einsteindreef room for 20 to 30 a house young people from the district.
The Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) agreed that applicants where possible after their stay in emergency shelters transfer to the refugee center and finally, after obtaining a residence permit for housing in the city
Kees Diepeveen:. “Often alternate host location is not desirable for people who have fled their country and all have experienced . And for children it’s fine if they change as little as possible from school. ” More than forty people earlier in the emergency shelter on sat Amerikalaan, including many families return to Utrecht.
Preview for the rest of the Netherlands
the city of Utrecht has managed to put this approach to integration in a short time with Socius, the Social Impact Factory, Utrecht University, the People’s University, Refugee, and the COA. It is the ambition of the College that this model can serve as an example for the rest of the Netherlands and Europe. Oxford University will be studying this approach.
Youth Housing Socius recruits for the 20 to 30 available units active young people who want to contribute to community events and a pleasant living environment with and for asylum seekers. The Utrecht Centre for Entrepreneurship (UU) Entrepreneurship develops courses for asylum seekers and young people from Overvecht.
The Volksuniversiteit Utrecht offers a business English course. The Social Impact Factory linking Utrecht entrepreneurs and students Entrepreneurship to each other, for example by coaching and shadowing. Refugee Council is actively involved and brings into focus what the professional and educational background and coordinates volunteer activities.
Earlier partners, such as Welcome to Utrecht, also put back on voluntary activities in both the emergency Einsteindreef as the AZC to the Haydnlaan and Ravellaan.
it is expected that opens the reception center at the Einsteindreef this summer.
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