That said pollster Maurice de Hond. From various surveys among others EenVandaag, I & amp; D and, koment very different results. Where EenVandaag indicates a majority for holding a referendum and retirement, showed an earlier poll by I & O in March, which is only 22% for Nexit. with a small majority against to hold a referendum and also agree a small majority against Nexit.

commissioned by The Associated Press poll conducted by TNS Nipo also pointed that Netherlands recoils for retirement, but according to according Dog is still does not mean that any referendum will provide a pro-EU outcome. “Should be held in the Netherlands have a referendum on Nexit than is to be expected that -just as in England- the rise among less educated will be relatively high. And in that case, a majority Nexit be possible, while the polls Netherlands, does not distract! “

Highly educated voted Britain particularly remain in the EU, while low-skilled en masse chose a Brexit. In the Netherlands, the differences are similar among people with different educational levels.

the Dog ( also asked the Dutch what they thought of the outcome of the British referendum.