The number of suicides in the Netherlands has never been as high as last year. In total 1871 people in 2015 ended their lives. That amounts to an average of five people a day. In 2007, the number of suicides on 1353. It reports the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS).
The number of suicides grew especially among men last year. Thirty suicides were more than in 2014. The increase was strongest in men in their twenties (from 104 to 133), according to the CBS report. According to chief demographer Jan Latten of Statistics Netherlands is facing this group with more mental health problems than female peers, but a detailed explanation is not there
For director Jan Mokkenstorm of helpline 113Online remains
guessing:., , this group can cope less well with the new life
: from student to worker, from boy to adolescent from boyfriend to father ”
Most of the suicides were proportionally among divorced men and widowers (45 per 100 thousand. ) Slats:. ,, it seems that men can be difficult only if their spouse is no longer there, that has impacts What also plays a part.. the fact that a lot of divorced fathers see their children less ”
the main reason
in the age group between 20 and 40 years was suicide the leading cause of death in 2015 (408 of the 1 702 deaths). other causes of death were cancer at a young age (378), cardiovascular disease (146) and traffic accidents (124).
A total of 223 people dropped in 2015 for the train, it turns out earlier figures from ProRail. A year earlier there were 192.
relatively low
compared with other European countries suicide in the Netherlands is relatively rare. The latest figures at European level show that most suicides are committed in Russia (21 per 100 thousand inhabitants), followed by Hungary and Slovenia. In Belgium and France, the proportion of relatively high.
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