in addition, it is particularly important to name-calling, confirms the spokesperson of kinderombudsman Margrite Kalverboer as a result of a message from breaking News.
“It happens often that the Kinderombudsman an angry mail, but it is never so intense as now,” said the zegsvrouw. Previously also received Ineke strouken photographed, the director of the Centre for Folk culture and Intangible Heritage, many hundreds of hate mails after they are critically uitliet about Zwarte Piet.
In the report, writes the Kinderombudsman that Zwarte Piet in his current form is in conflict with the UN child’s Rights convention. The figure lures exclusion, bullying and discrimination, proposes Kalverboer in the research.
The history of Sinterklaas and Black Piet in 60 seconds
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Kalverboer examined the party to the convention on the Rights of the United Nations. This provides amongst other things that children have the right to equal treatment and on protection against discrimination. Many colored children are experiencing, especially in the period around Sinterklaas, a lot of discrimination.
Also in this treaty that the interests of the child must govern all the actions that are important to them. This is currently in the discussion about Zwarte Piet is too often not the case.
Minister Ard van der Steur (Justice and Security) will find it “unacceptable” that the Kinderombudsman Friday, dozens of threats received after a report about Zwarte Piet. That has Van der Steur said Friday after the weekly cabinet meeting. “If there is a threat, there must be a declaration to be made,” says the minister. “Is there by the police very seriously looked at.”
The minister wants to say anything about any security of the Kinderombudsman: “what we do never notices.” However, stresses Van der Steur, that “anyone who becomes a threat or harassment will be transferred to someone that his or her work does, or you the well with the people agree or not, is unacceptable. And there must be strong against the problem.”
A spokesman for the Kinderombudsman let request, know that there is still no declaration of a threat is done.
Politicians react to varying degrees on the report of the Kinderombudsman. Deputy prime minister Lodewijk Asscher late know that it is not up to the government to Sinterklaas to change.
“The fact that children are extra bullied to be underlined that the festival of st. nicholas, that should go with the time, so that all the children a feast”, he says. “That change must be from the society, it is not the government to with a Pietenwet to come.”
VVD-Member of parliament Michiel van Veen reacts opposite furious at the statements of the Kinderombudsman. “Here I am sad. The Kinderombudsman throws in this time conscious of oil on the fire. Screaming people at the Sinterklaasoptocht hunt more fear in children than Helpers,” he says.
GroenLinks Member of parliament Linda Voortman see in the judgment of the Kinderombudsman was a reason to work on the “new pete”. “Thanks to the Kinderombudsman is the voice of children heard in the debate on the Bill. I think that is profit. It is very bad that children are discriminated against feel by something a children’s party should be. This is a very important additional reason that it is time for a new Piet,” said Voortman.
Sadet Karabulut (SP) states that the importance of children in this discussion first. PVV-leader Geert Wilders is calling on Twitter to stop whining.