Thursday, September 22, 2016

Opposition falls Rutte to reliability –

Follow our liveblog on the General Political Reflections

According to Sybrand Buma (CDA) speaks to the prime minister with two mouths, for example, the Dutch work and security (Wwz). That would Mean prefer want to change, but that would be a cabinet crisis, yield, ” he said recently, to not much later in a government response to report that there is not gemorreld to the Wwz.

Pechtold (D66) be the premier on the impact of his words. “Credibility begins with language.” The unfulfilled promise that everyone is 1,000 euros or more and that there is not a cent more to the Greeks and it is paid has not contributed to the credibility of the prime minister, said Pechtold. In addition, the VVD in the shortest of times a government had to be formed with the PvdA, which Won in the campaign of 2012 was portrayed as the biggest danger for the Netherlands.

That there is a cabinet with the PvdA was formed was dire necessity, according to the premier. “It was against the interests of the country not with the Labour party to govern,” said Rutte. Other parties forced the VVD and PvdA to first time together at the table to sit, and given the crisis, Rutte is no other way to quickly find a cabinet on the landing. “My job is about one thing: taking responsibility in difficult times.”


The chagrijn limited itself in opposition not only to the CDA and D66. SP, PVV and I didn’t berate the slow decision-making around whether or not to approve the association agreement with Ukraine. A majority voted against the treaty, but Rutte refuses to take a decision on signing the agreement.

Wilders: “Left and right, the friend and the enemy in the Room to say: run it.” Pechtold: “This is again about your credibility and reliability.”

‘Parallel society’

the government in the report of research firm Ipsos, a 5.3 score, surprised the opposition nothing. Itself is Rutte also not surprised about. Although the economy is picking up, brands are people still not in their wallet, that the crisis is over, says the prime minister.

According to PVV-leader Geert Wilders is right, because Won’t see what happens in society. “You live in a parallel society.” People make, according to Wilders, not pressure to “a percentage of purchasing power more”, but they do have concerns about their safety, immigration and islam.

Rutte fighted the words of Wilders. He finds that the PVV-leader only sail on negativity and pessimism. “A large silent majority in this country wants to move forward and turns away from pessimism and negativism. That brings us nothing.”

The CDA and D66 accused the prime minister that he himself is responsible for that pessimism, because he did not keep his word.

Rutte’s turn

After Wednesday, all parties with each other in the debate went to the Thursday it’s the turn of prime minister Rutte. Since 10.30 am and he defended his policy in the plenary hall of the house.

Officially, the General Political Reflections on Tuesday presented budget memorandum and the budget for 2017, but in practice this two-day debate will be seen as the first big election debate in the run-up to the elections of march next year.

in Addition, all themes past, including the unrest in the society, the consequences of the war in Syria and the failed coup in Turkey.

Wednesday was already fierce confrontations between the various parties. So it was SP-leader Emile Roemer has come under heavy fire over his plan to health insurance under a National Zorgfonds.

Other parties faulted him for not being clear about the financial consequences. CDA and VVD clashed over the limits of freedom of expression.



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