Amsterdam shows in 2013 and 2014 3.6 million on external hiring. Pictured: Mayor Eberhard van der Laan © anp
Two-thirds of the municipalities hires external consultants in the preparation of the additional tasks. they get from next year. Of 166 municipalities that a survey of current affairs Nieuwsuur questionnaire, there hire 111 outside help. In 2013 and 2014 they together provide at least 25 million euros on external hiring.
Many tasks in the field of care and labor go by January 1 to municipalities. Agencies assist municipalities with making plans, provide the information or produce the project.
Not only large cities but also many smaller municipalities stabbing a lot of money in hiring outside consultants. Amsterdam shows in 2013 and 2014 3.6 million on external hiring. For example Oldenzaal attracts 1.4 million, while neighboring municipalities Dinkelland and Tubbergen spend a penny to consulting.
Director Jan Knight Amsterdam Metropolitan Court showed himself Sunday in broadcasting Nieuwsuur worried about hiring. “The uncertainty of officials is reflected in the hiring of external agencies,” he said.
Councillor Rob Christenhusz Oldenzaal said the money for hiring mainly comes from the piggy bank of the municipality and that there is no cut back on care. “We will soon be ready by 1 January for our new jobs,” he explained the spending. According to the Roermond Councillor Marianne Smitmans the municipality can prepare yourself completely impossible to solve and is hiring necessarily needed.
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