Saturday, September 20, 2014

PvdA wants list connection to GL and SP election Senate –

PvdA wants list connection to GL and SP election Senate –

 Foreign Minister Frans Timmermans speaks during the political council of members of the Labour Party in Den Bosch. The party wants a list of connection to the Green Left and the SP in the forthcoming elections to the Senate.

Foreign Minister Frans Timmermans speaks during the political council of members of the Labour Party in Den Bosch. The party wants a list of connection to the Green Left and the SP in the forthcoming elections to the Senate. ANP / Koen Verheijden


The PvdA wants the elections to the Senate next year may enter a list of connection to the Green Left and the SP.

On the motion of the youth wing of the Labour Party voted later today. The reason behind the connection list is the fact that the left parties are bad for standing in the polls. The Board is positive about the plan

Our political editor Thijs Niemantsverdriet about the possible list connection:.

“In particular, the SP is now in the First Room firm opposition to the policies of Rutte II, whose Labour Party is a member. Interestingly, if the SP agrees. Also notable is that connection to the SP and Green VVD or C3 parties can cost. “The parties that support the coalition (D66, Christian Union, SGP), a seat

the last parliamentary elections, in 2012, the three parties were even a list link to order more chance at remaining seats. At the last European elections this year, the Labour Party with a list of only the Green connection. They did in 2009.

Follow our political editor Thijs Niemantsverdriet on Twitter. He spends all day in the political council of members of the Labour Party in Den Bosch

Read more about:.
First elections
List link

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