Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Report: MH17 pierced by projectiles – Volkskrant

Report: MH17 pierced by projectiles – Volkskrant

Edited by: Staff – 09.09.14, 09:47 – Source: Reuters, AP

© Reuters. August 4, a pro-Russian separatist ensures the Dutch and Australian forensic experts investigate the crash site.

Flight MH17, which crashed on July 17, is “outside high speed pierced by a large number of projectiles. There’s no technical or human corpse failure ‘. Draws these conclusions, the Safety Board (AAM) in the first official report on the cause of the plane crash with flight MH17 in eastern Ukraine on 17 July.

All 298 passengers, including 196 Dutch came during the flight of Malaysia Airlines to life.

The report does not indicate whether the penetrations have been caused or may be caused by a rocket. To accurately determine what caused the crash, further research needs to be done.

“The damage pattern was found in the front fuselage section and cockpit of the plane does not match the damage that might be expected as a result of any known failure of the aircraft, the engines of the aircraft systems, “the OVV.

The report includes the preliminary conclusions based on the resources that the research council at his disposal. These include information including satellite images, air traffic control, voice and data recorder of the crashed aircraft and radar images.

By the dangerous situation on the ground, researchers have not yet been studied at the site of the disaster can do. The crash site is in the battle field of Ukrainian troops fighting against pro-Russian separatists. However, this restriction does not stand in the way to draw the first conclusions about the disaster, the OVV.
The Board expects to publish the final report. Within one year after the crash

about who is responsible for the disaster in the report, no statements are made.

Yesterday, three eyewitnesses, all citizens, independently of each other in front of the BBC program Panorama stated that Russians Buk-air missile system have operated with which the device is shot from the sky. One witness saw the installation around 12:30 (Dutch time) on a low-loader off be achieved in Snezjnoje, about 16 kilometers from the site of the disaster. The plane went down about 4 hours later.

Those who were unloading Buk, appeared as a witness on Russian soldiers. “Well disciplined, unlike the rebels, and they were not wearing the standard Ukrainian camouflage uniform, which both government troops and the rebel fighters show up.” Also they had, according to him a Russian accent. A second witness confirmed that. When an officer who escorted Buk, he had heard a Moskovitisch accent.


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