Sunday, September 14, 2014

Van Boxtel (D66) leaves the Senate –

Van Boxtel (D66) leaves the Senate –


D66 leader Roger van Boxtel (60) leaves after his current term, the Senate. The leader has abandoned the party leadership at the next election for the Senate


“For me it was a personal decision. I asked myself: I want to do this for another four years? The answer was no, “explains Van Boxtel increasing.


” I was a member of the Senate four years Member of Parliament, Minister for four years and four years. I’ve done it. Great pleasure But now I’m still vital, I want my hands free for something else, “said the senator. He brought D66 leader Pechtold last week at the height of his decision. Who claims to understand the decision. Van Boxtel “It will be a loss, because he brought us a bowl experience.”

Van Boxtel let through screens that does not necessarily mean. His departure from the Senate a final farewell from politics “Never does not exist.” The D66′er was sometimes tipped at the last general election as prime candidate.

In the corridors, the name of former party leader Thom de Graaf emerges as the logical successor.


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