Mayor Ruud Vreeman Groningen wants the gas continues to remain close to ensure safety in his city
Vreeman fears more earthquakes and damage to buildings and drilling for gas continues in this way. He wants the rate at which gas is extracted from under Groningen, goes down. He said Saturday at a meeting in Groningen, reports the NIS.
According to the mayor the quakes cost the city money. New construction must meet stringent requirements and older buildings should be strengthened to make them earthquake resistant. So go for example the new cultural center of the Grand Place and the Öresund Bridge over the Winschoterdiep than budgeted millions more costs.
“We must consolidate all buildings, such as hospitals and schools. This is an almost impossible task and should there money to come and we must drill less gas, we must tackle the problem at the source of risk must be reduced, “said the mayor
And then Mr. Vreeman? Where the gas has to come from ??
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The older buildings should be strengthened but how? Maybe a good tip not buy property in Groningen
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The cause is ……. the citizen or the Dutch state …… …… or NAM ……… the gas ………… so we are responsible to each other
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I give the Mayor GREAT right! You would mandate but have a house …
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Nuclear. Clean and cheap.
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gas out [salt] water in it than you stabieliseert ground or am I wrong.
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Now the mayor to come … listen. The indiviuele homeowner talking to deaf ears,
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hoed as they are, they want despite the earthquakes also many places to build wind farms! Or there is not yet enough misery !!!
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The socialist utopia is paid for in large part by the gas. That this PvdAer still not through.
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Pleurtuit this country full of solar panels, dei Money can damn windmills saved. And any idea what that farmers there to catch, so wrought on their country? That laugh of a break. Solar panels are not beautiful. but they do not make noise, do not kill birds. And money for those mills can almost all t land they have. But the dough has been divided in several pockets of the lobby lords and their vrinden, though that will not succeed t about $ $ $ and €€€ for the men! not to us!
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And if the houses faster than the cracks get speed allowed them a penalty after, what do interior cal victim know who they are?
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In dairy invests one never more than that there is in the future to achieve, ie thanks for the gas and a lot of success gewencht! The streets!
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When it comes to money interests the government does not care if the whole of Groningen into Australia.
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Michel 20:42 If you are born in Groningen I want the grumblers in the Labour Party nevertheless like to point out that just it was the party of the north massively voted. I was the only one in the family who was against it so I was a Kakker. The rest voted Labour or before the CP!
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Well, this is the solidarity among the Dutch put to the test. I fear for the Groningen frankly. Yet the day the energy is. Becomes empty and destroyed a beautiful part of the Netherlands. Tough times are coming to Dutch, turn sweating.
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This gas valve will not close it get taken for 10 billion out of the ground think people really think they are in london care about us northerners? First let them that Labour furl corrupt gang
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Well, it keeps the construction companies to work.
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NAM Camp with the help of expensive Amsterdam Brow advocaatjes want nothing docks at all, no value loss and damage, nicely off the boat and slow that bite, endless they continue stretching to lengthy syrupy gossip tables and doorgebeefde trauma citizens simply abandon and fooled, shame on you !!!!
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Weather unreliable pvdaer manifesting
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All well and good but the tensions in the strata that cause tremors over a period of 50 years built up, whether you stop or continue, that quakes continue another 50 years. Shame but the geological reality pulls absolutely nothing to politics. Originally it was thought that those strata gradually and imperceptibly so would collapse but that now appears to be so abruptly, there is nothing left to do.
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There is enough gas in the Netherlands, Shale Gas is everywhere so there uithalen.En do not come whining about earthquakes that have the Groningen and da nobody excites so hup shale gas drilling .We can immediately begin Brabant So Groningsche Ende gas valve and open Brabant
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via the gas purity is easy money, though dangerous to NL, alternative wind energy, water power and natural solar energy severe , there is the future.
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This Labour mayor wants with his old pal Max PvdA vd berg more money to create more committees in Groningen so that more Labour members a senseless but well-paid job can be offered. In Groningen, the PvdA vrindjes the money for high-speed rail line through it turned without a railway line to link with. The greatest danger is not the Groningen gas but kept in power by the Labour Party bigwigs Gronigers
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If Labour Mayor Vreeman the problem immediately to tackle the very source of advice I contact to up with the management of Shell and Exxon Mobile to quickly come up with solutions, because they control the Dutch Petroleum Company (NAM) It would be great because of the people’s representatives in parliament is made miserable. It is neither meat nor fish, lots of water with the wine and high pumpjack content.
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Minister camp sits on a gross income that we have not .. He has no idea what it’s like to live there ..!