Saturday, November 1, 2014

Peaceful protests during ‘Day Kobani’ – Elsevier

Peaceful protests during 'Day Kobani' – Elsevier

 Worldwide demonstrations for Kobani went peacefully

Global demonstrations for Kobani went peaceful – Photo: EPA

                             Elif Isitman


                 Saturday November 1 was declared Day Kobani. All over the world went to the streets to express their support for the besieged city.

The Malieveld Hague gathered on Saturday afternoon thousands of people. They took part in a solidarity rally for supporters and citizens of the Syrian Kurdish city Kobani. The city is now more than a month under attack by Islamic State (IS).

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“At the rally did include Kurdish, Armenian and Turkish organizations along,” a spokesman for the Federation Kurds said in Netherlands. The protesters began their demonstration on Malieveld and went from there the Hague streets, ending a little later on the Malieveld.

Other cities where peaceful demonstrations were held include Berlin, Paris, London, Rome, Moscow, Washington and Johannesburg.


Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu warned yesterday that it had in Turkey to remain calm during Day Kobani.

He said that violence and disruptions of public order would not be tolerated, the English-language Turkish newspaper reports Today’s Zaman . The Turkish authorities have increased security in areas where protesters could be.

The heart of the protests, was the number of agents being turned up, especially in the city of Diyarbakir. The protests in Diyarbakir went peacefully.

Nearly 40 people were earlier this month killed during Kobani demonstrations in Turkey. The demonstrations were mainly focused on the unwillingness of the Turkish Government to strengthen the Kurdish troops in Kobani.

Thursday drew the first ten Peshmerga fighters to Kobani to help the Kurds in the fight against IS.


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