Saturday, December 6, 2014

Hands-on: The Order: 1886 plays like a movie –

Hands-on: The Order: 1886 plays like a movie –

That games over the years, more and more movies are going to seem, is nothing new. The picture quality is greatly improved in recent decades and graphics processors have become exponentially more powerful. Could you used to count the pixels themselves yet, now you have a calculator that is required. Still, the difference between the film and game remained always visible, in particular in the games themselves. Once the pre-installed images were past and went in the game area, the graphics of the level collapsed

The Order:. 1886 is no longer there. It is therefore not surprising that some gamers accuse the game that it secretly is a film in which you occasionally may press a button. But it will do the third-person shooter quite short. It is not a long movie with sporadic a game element, but a game that looks like a movie continuously.

And that is not because the cutscenes aware ‘ugly’ are held in order to compete as the gameplay. Both the pre-rendered clips as moments when you play itself, bursting with detail. Meanwhile, the game continues to exude an almost magical atmosphere


Werewolf in London

Those fanciful brand owes it to a very special setting. The Order: 1886 you are indeed arrived in London from the 19th century, but it is going there to something else than you read in the history books. The world of the game is already torn by centuries of war between people … and not as human beings. They were once as common, but mutated over the years into a sort of werewolves. And that did not go unscathed

As a member of an ancient order, or rather the order -. You play as one of the knights of the round table – take you against that blood linke beasts. You do this for hundreds of years even. Your order has namely a remedy found that can lengthen the life of a man with multiples. Death remains dead, so you need to keep your counter samples

Futuristic weapons

Also, there The Order:. 1886 something unique on found. In the game, the industrial revolution went so hard that London in the late 19th century, offers all modern technology. Wireless communications, heat sensors, motorized airships. But also all kinds of futuristic weapons such as a kind of combination of minigun and light gun. This shoot you put a jump off to flammable bullets, then all of them on fire.

With that arsenal pits you against the werewolves, but also a rebel group gets it with you to stick . Admittedly, the actual gameplay of The Order: 1886 you do not blow your seat – does the cinematic character happy. The game is also a reasonably safe shooter with a third person perspective. You look over the shoulder of your character, and lies preferably behind walls to not mess to be shot immediately. During gunfights

Tasty shooter

Still, can you enough pleasure from it, especially if you are full of bravado coverage allows for what it is and in full view towards the enemy line marches. Shotgun in hand, gun in the pocket and the nose up sometimes does wonders. The shooting may fairly standard eye, it plays great.

The default pistol is a typical example barker, the shotgun recoil gives so much that you physically even a bit of recoils. It feels nice to raw. Anyway the end justifies the means: you always want to know how the story continues and so have a good reason for the shooting (and sometimes stealth) moments to bring to a successful conclusion

The game. should his players only want to give too much breathing space. Sometimes you really have to wait until the game you have to give a new order and in the meantime you can just walk around aimlessly. No major disaster, but for a game that always plays exactly the same way and in the same order, frustration is lurking. After all, you want to watch a movie in which a scene is repeated twenty times before the story starts again

We therefore hope that the creators of The Order:. 1886 directing something tighter take control. If successful, this could exclusive game for Playstation 4 ever be the highlight of the spring. Because who does not want a movie (forward, call it a mini-series) that lasts for hours, looks great, has an intriguing story and great plays

The Order: 1886 published February 20, exclusively for the Playstation 4

By:. Vroegrijk


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