Labour leader Diederik Samson sees opportunities to resolve the conflict with the VVD on the rejected Care Act. ,, Today we worked step by step toward a solution. So we will continue tomorrow, ” he said on the night of Wednesday to Thursday. It has according to Samson always want to talk, ,, especially if you can find the solution
Also, PvdA minister Lodewijk Asscher ,, good hope “for a solution and said that progress has been made, though he did not dare to say that Thursday will be a solution. Prime Minister Rutte was extremely careful. The VVD said that steps were put, which can lead to a solution. Minister Schippers left without comment.
Christian Union leader Arie Slob who along with Alexander Pechtold of D66 and Kees van der Staaij of the SGP was pulled up at the concert, said earlier that there ,, only progress’ had been made. ,, We saw some optimism. ” Content Slob said nothing about the possible solution on the table of the coalition parties. Also D66 leader Alexander Pechtold said the government parties ,, tomorrow ” continue. He could not estimate whether there is a solution to the issue.
Prior to the concert saw Labour leader Diederik Samsom still no solution to the conflict over the rejected regulatory reforms of Minister Edith Schippers. Samson performed as previously consultation with the opposing Labour Party senator Adri Duivesteijn. The fellow dissidents Duivesteijn Marijke Linthorst and Guusje ter Horst, were briefly present during the interview in the home of Duivesteijn. “One solution is not there yet. There is constructive talk, “said Samson. Some things last a day, others a bit longer, said the Labour leader.
The parties have since Tuesday afternoon a problem, after three Labour MPs against an important first care plan VVD minister Edith Schippers (Health) had voted. Therefore, the bill was rejected, outraging Schippers and her party. Since then diligently to find a solution. According to Schippers, the key purpose of the Labour Party
In addition Rutte and Boaters were -. Among others – VVD party leader Halbe Zijlstra, Labour deputy prime minister Lodewijk Asscher, Labour leader Diederik Samson, Labor Minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem of Finance and Labour Minister Martin van Rijn (Health) present at the Turret Consultation. Moreover pushed the tolerance partners. Support D66, Christian Union and SGP is necessary because VVD and PvdA have a majority in the Senate.
According to sources will Schippers resubmit its fallen Care Act, with some commitments to the Labour Party senators over the line to pull. The law regulates include restricting the free choice of doctor. He should yield savings of 1 billion from 2016
WPB has a lot of voice loss, so now …..
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As a former VVD I would say that they just have to pull the plug out. What a giant mess they have made of it. Should the government fall, then immediately the broom through it. When Rita was put on the side there was this to arrive. If Rutte with his boyish balls they also refrain from redundancy.
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The Champagne is already in the fridge !!
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If this government falls. Then the Netherlands party …. we make it a national holiday ….
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A question to all the hopes for the fall of the cabinet: you expect golden years at a next Cabinet? Note that if this issue is not Health Care Act, the basic policy is further stripped and the excess is even higher! Do we want that? I do not!
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Get out now !!!
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This is clearly a” Tolerance Cabinet ‘tolerated really EVERYTHING just to be able to stay in power! Even ruling Senate on this (and other moods) get completely ignored. SO this ignores even the Constitution! But much worse, clearly know not to take seriously the Dutch people total and to stand up for their interests. And this calls himself than “Representatives” ???
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Elections, Netherlands is delivered from the Labour Party. Finally keep the tax Splurge on Jan modal and can just go live again. Relieved of all Labour taxes, what would that be wonderful!
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Mixed feeling .. Nice flapping that Cabinet .. Can not wait .. Have all the champagne ready.!
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I think I’ve already said late 100,000 plop this government.
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Mounted spelletje.Nederland stairs here anymore and voting later this entire K cabinet as a spear at the other end of the world !! These ladies and gentlemen already have something else in it for gouging !!!! make their own really is not busy to hear their alleged burgers.Nooit thought that I would vote for the blond arrow, but it is still overdue.
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Get rid of those Cabinet D66 with supporters who give us beautiful Netherlands to the EU / Brussels … How hard is it not to turn out the light … pfff
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If these senators (PvdA ers) in the first room again get “backed down” as previous spinal free Duyvenstein (PvdA also there) then what does this so-called Senate in the Netherlands? Still, nothing at all, a first class show room & lt; oldies & gt; who think too can compete in politics but please note T is a huge cost item in the balans.Schrappen that sanctimonious hassle. It all suggests nothing ultimately simple yes marbles think their fat chair.
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Can not imagine that the three senators recollection tack me, that game they will still not play or do you?
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if the government falls, we get extra merry Christmas
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Hetnis been nice pull the plug, citizens are sick, especially the arrogance of the VVD bah
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Everyone knows how all this will end like when doves with Travertine three votes as in, WPB win voters and the VVD because Schipper have kept the piece. What they now do not understand that they put the entire first room joker that you might as well abolish. This charade is purely for to distract the public from the fact that has come out that we do not go ahead next year but it backwards or just another lie of this government
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Very please plug out ….. and fast as it can. Then from here the flag and we donate a drink in!
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So fall quickly as possible with this government!
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The VVD should not complain, because if the income-related health insurance premium just as agreement had continued we had now no budget policy necessary. But according to the VVD, they may only backtracking.
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Rutte deliver us from evil and move on please !! Go enjoy a generous retainer and pension. And the state pension hole for you already closed and there will be waiting for a directorship in a health care provider.
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Seems there or Idd really everyone is for himself, but then again we already knew. Phew
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Well, we get Pechtoltje there at! Good for the ratings!