The VVD is playing for high stakes the fate of the government into the hands of the shaky PvdA. When the Liberals irritation about the coalition partner is so great that even the prime minister may be offered. The fall of his second cabinet could mean the end of Ruttes political career. The government parties set today continue their consultations on a solution for their care conflict.
The knife is at the throat when the PvdA . Compassion of the coalition partner is no longer there, nor understanding. The VVD has no problem, says the VVD. Only the Labour Party has a problem. ,, There lies the ball, “said Health Minister Edith Schippers, who saw her care plans unexpectedly killed by the negative vote of three Labour senators:. Guusje ter Horst, Marijke Linthorst and Adri Duivesteijn
The VVD all set along:. again hassle at the coalition partner, the Social Democrats find themselves only one solution to do so honor the agreements ,, We are waiting for a phone call, ” says a prominent liberal ,, If they are off,.. we hear it, ” says another.
The three gedogers D66, Christian Union and SGP to their lack of understanding about the voting down of the new health insurance policy not conceal more. ,, who are lazy never satisfied, “said a party leader.
So the pressure on the Labour Party is increased by the hour. ,, If there is no solution today, we have a cabinet crisis, ” says an insider yesterday early in the morning.
A cabinet crisis. Again. The last time, in the collapse of the first government led by Mark Rutte, Prime Minister could still alternately schmieren, slamming doors and threatening to break off from the Freedom Party “to the last seat. And so far played the prime minister a key role in propping up his second cabinet. Rutte was but what is often the broker political deals, the one who made the emergency measures where necessary stroked some egos (,, Tell me what’s bothering you “).
Nerve Center
But in this’ December crisis, “the prime minister is a glorified spectator. Turret is the nerve center. This is the Ministry of Social Affairs, the domain of Lodewijk Asscher, where Labour leader Diederik Samsom themselves all day confinement with his party . He must save the government by getting the renegade senators again inboard
It’s a risky strategy of the VVD.?: who wants his fate in the hands of a Labour of breath Rutte is the first prime minister VVD has ever had, but the Liberals did not fight for him. They wait for a phone call.
There is’ a deep scratch “in the Cabinet, says an insider. The distrust is so big that the VVD even Mark Rutte wants to put at stake.
The government parties VVD and PvdA today continued their consultations on a solution to their conflict continued care. According to the protagonists have made progress in the talks so far.
Labour leader Diederik Samsom still possibilities to solve the political problem with the VVD. Also, Labour deputy prime minister Lodewijk Asscher ,, hopeful ” on a solution.
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