“The recommendations should be implemented,” said Minister Henk Kamp (Economic Affairs) Tuesday during the debate on the AAM report which concluded that the safety of Groningen decades has played no role in the gas.
How the government will give precise meaning to the recommendations Camp will end of March in the government’s response to share with the House. “I’m working on that,” said Camp.
The board will include the need to communicate parties involved in the gas better about the risks and dangers associated with the gas production.
The role of the supervisor should, State Supervision of Mines (SSM) will be strengthened and there should be more involved in the creation of the ministries gasbesluit. The province and municipalities should be structurally involved in the decision.
To the lost trust of regaining Groningen stakeholders must also recognize that they are careless with the safety of Groningen.
Also Chamber shows regret
Monday Minister Kamp took the first step by Monday at RTV Noord express his regret. The debate also raised the House of the own house across the decades ignoring the safety of Groningen.
“This is a collective failure, including the parliament,” said Elbert SGP’er Dijkgraaf Tuesday during the debate on the critical report by the Dutch Safety Board (AAM) on the decision-making on the gas.
Dijkgraaf pointed out that no political party in recent years, the bell has drawn. “There were signs. We were able to intervene. We would need to know and can know.”
Liesbeth van Tongeren (Green) joined the SGP’er. “The past we can charge all of us.”
CDA and D66 thanked Minister Kamp for his apology he offered Monday. Agnes Mulder (CDA): “I am pleased that Minister Kamp has apologized, also on behalf of previous governments where the CDA has borne responsibility for government.”
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However, the opposition parties remain critical of the minister. SP, CDA, D66, PVV, Christian Union, GL, SGP and PvdD want Kamp the gas is already more densely running. There she argued otherwise already unsuccessfully during the last gasdebat.
Christian Union leader Arie Slob that does the debate clarity on the gas throughout 2015. Is that clarity is not, the constructive opposition party will not have a say in the budget negotiations for next year.
Camp game does not run again the discussion on the gas. Two weeks ago, the Chamber conducted an implementation debate on the gas act. “I do not need to do about that debate,” Camp said Tuesday.
He has repeatedly stressed that he decided in July or gas production for the second half of the year is further lowered, and Now do not want to reduce all the gas ceiling.
Coalition Party PvdA and VVD called the minister in the gas debate two weeks ago on the gas to adjust the lowest possible level.
For the Party for the Animals and the PVV is not enough. PvdD parliamentarian Ouwehand served in the second term of the debate a motion of no confidence because they feel that Camp through its policies’ knowingly ” people in danger by bringing yet to take a decision on lowering the production ceiling for the whole 2015 . This motion was rejected.
The opposition parties tried earlier in the debate, the government parties repeatedly tempt us to put the minister under pressure to clarify now on the gas in 2015.
VVD André Bosman called it then the Room “unworthy” that the opposition again wants to talk about the gas act. “This discussion is not about the AAM report. I find inappropriate, “said Bosman.
According to the VVD and PvdA comes to the debate therefore asked to have the content of the report. First there is a hearing with the AAM and government response to the report necessary, find the coalition parties.
Opposition and ruling parties could find each other in the call to minister Kamp to take the recommendations from the AAM report immediately.
The most important recommendations of the AAM report | What you should know about the Groningen gas and earthquakes
View the number of earthquakes in Groningen
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