The prayer ministry will be abolished in Ede. The City Council has unanimously Thursday have decided to say a prayer before the council in the future. Only then begins the official meeting. Councillors can then choose whether they want to or not pray
That if known unique solution to the conflict over the post prayer invented PvdA, Christian Union, the CDA and Gemeentebelangen. After a brief suspension, they were all 39 council members to stand behind it. “A prayer does not belong in the council, but it is not respectful to force believers to leave their religion at home,” D66 expressed the general feeling.
In the Netherlands open another 61 of the 393 municipalities of the council with the ministry of prayer. Ede was one of the largest municipalities that held this hole alive. The VVD in Ede came in March with the proposal to abolish the office of prayer, because it is no longer of this time would be.
Ede has nineteen and twenty Christian nondenominational councilors. Because in the previous meeting lacked a secular councilor, strike votes. Before Thursday’s meeting was not a religious councilor specially returned from holiday so would not result in a stalemate again. The Christian parties were delighted with the “Ede variant.” “We are pleased with the respect for our feelings,” said the SGP