Tuesday, April 21, 2015

‘Damages NAM now much closer “- BNR

“I deeply regret that the earthquakes so many people create problems,” writes director Schotman NAM NAM on the website. A step in the right direction, says Huitema, but it resembles a strategically motivated maneuver. “It comes NAM now well connected with the debates that are going to be implemented, there is still a very big mistrust towards the NAM and the government and I want to say to them:. Be bright, tell it like it is and that you have done wrong and come with a fee. ”

The NAM still denies that there is loss of homes. But Huitema said to have sufficient evidence for the value of the homes. In addition, intangible assets such as deterioration in living, psychological symptoms of stress and anxiety on the agenda. “When I read the statement that according to the NAM is a fact that the effects of the earthquakes deeply affect the lives of the inhabitants, that is a very clear recognition that there is non-material damage.”

The excuses may Dick Kleijer, secretary of the Groninger Soil Movement, stolen. “It’s a trashy story Schotman makes no apologies for the fact that the security has not been a top priority fact,.. He denies the conclusion of the Safety Board, which had as its main conclusion that security risks were not a high priority. ”


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