Opponents of the bed, bath and bread agreement demonstrated on April 29 in Spuiplein in The Hague. Photo ANP / Valerie Kuypers
The city of Utrecht put the bed-bath bread care for failed asylum seekers continue. That writing the mayor, VVD Jan van Zanen, and the aldermen to the council.
Utrecht refuses to cooperate with the plans of the government and is the first city to open the decision of the government a miss.
The bed, bath and bread agreement constitutes, in the church “no comprehensive approach” and is therefore “not feasible.” Utrecht says:
“We put our current policies continue.”
generous relief than the government wants
Utrecht has failed asylum seekers in bed, bath and bread, like many other municipalities in the Netherlands. That relief is much more generous than the government still wants to allow in five major cities and Ter Apel. Utrecht:
“We are not humane to (broken) asylum seekers out on the street, quite apart from any risks on the grounds of public order and security.”
The government wants only a short reception for people to contribute to a return to their country of origin. According Utrecht there will always be people who can not or want back. The plans of the Cabinet will not ensure that more people leave, according to Utrecht. Moreover, it is not sufficient to require applicants to provide only shelter in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht, Eindhoven and Ter Apel. Utrecht:
“The lack of regional diversification, especially in the northern and eastern provinces.”
Earlier, other local authorities and aid agencies also criticized the government’s plans. Cities like Arnhem, Groningen and Deventer also continue with their reception. They fear nuisance if they stop the scheme
Read also in NRC Handelsblad. “Bed-Bath-bread has a magnetic effect (€)
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