Wednesday, February 17, 2016

De Rooij Transport stop filming after examining drivers Authority … – Transportation Online

De Rooij Transport stop filming drivers  after examination Authority Personal 'title =

‘T GOY – the Authority for Personal Data has conducted research with the shipping company De Rooy Transport BV that drivers in the truck cab while their journeys filmed.

the images were captured and stored in a sudden abrupt movement of the truck. The company was found to use this camera images to address the drivers on their driving. The goal was to improve the driving behavior. It is for this purpose, however, is not proportional to film the drivers continuously during their working hours.

The drivers will be under constant supervision. That makes the invasion of privacy of drivers too large making the carrier acted in violation of the law, according to the Authority’s personal data.

The transport company has been following the investigation stopped the video recordings his drivers.

the transport company has now also the previously recorded video and audio material deleted. Thus, De Rooy Transport BV, based in ‘t Goy, infringements of the Data Protection Act by the Authority Personal terminated.

Need bet cameras

The Authority Personal notes should always be considered whether the same objective can be achieved by less restrictive means. The transport company has not sufficiently shown why to improve the driving skills of drivers in order to increase the safety of drivers and other road users can only be achieved with the use of continuous surveillance.

In addition to the intensive training of drivers there are also organizational and technical possibilities imaginable to improve the behavior of drivers or technically to adjust when dangerous situations arise, according to the regulator.

Camera surveillance in the workplace

Employers can not monitor their staff in principle with cameras. This is only permitted if the CCTV is required. That is, the employer’s purpose, for example to combat fraud, can not reach any other way.

If there is no other possibility, which is less intrusive to privacy? The employer must first determine. The employer must conduct a privacy assessment and balancing the interests of workers against his own interest. The employer must first discuss it with the council’s plans.


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