Monday, February 15, 2016

Secret advice reveals: care budget continues to show a shambles – BN DeStem

The system behind the personal budget (PGB’s) works for a meter and must quickly overhauled. Also an improvement project at the Social Insurance is doomed to failure. This is contained in a confidential draft advice of the ICT master of the empire, owned by the AD

The conclusions of the BIT -. An office automation projects under a microscope – are hard. How ‘PGB factory’ the Social Insurance, municipalities, health care offices and the Ministry of Health’s handling of healthcare budgets are arranged with each other, no good.

,, In our view, there must be as fast may be a program plan to improve the overall chain, “notes ICT senior official Hans Wanders. He describes” a lot of indecision, “” slow improvement “and” conflicting interests “.

also an ICT project of the Social Insurance, intended to replace the payment system behind the PGB and thus improve the service is compromised.

,, the BIT considers it unlikely that this project succeeds in the current set-up, because the proposed plan falls short seriously. ” The project is estimated to be optimistic, according to the agency, insufficient thought and funding is unclear.

The conclusions are a slap in the face of State Martin van Rijn (PvdA), which is responsible for the current design. He faced early last year with the computer problems at the Social Insurance. This allows thousands of caregivers did not, too much or too little PGB money inside.

Under political pressure Van Rijn stomped the improvement project off the ground. He gets Wanders advised now to appoint “a strong client” who fixes the system errors in the PGB processing. The ICT boss has already put someone in the eye:. The current top official on long-term care

CDA MP Mona Keijzer follow the ICT problems surrounding the PGB’s meticulous. ,, I’ve been saying for long: this system is not so fly. It should be considered whether and how the payment task can be removed from the Social Insurance “

Van Rijn’s Labour colleague Secretary Jetta Klijnsma (Social Affairs) affected:. The Social Insurance itself falls under its responsibility. Klijnsma must appoint an “experienced, critical and independent ‘adviser, the recommendation reads.

She thereby proceed expeditiously, because on January 22 the sheaf Secretary sudden external ICT advisor to the front. the alarming draft letter to Klijnsma, which is held by the AD, dates back to January 4. the final version is expected soon.

Labour government wife Jetta Klijnsma put end January, the top women of the Social Insurance on the street. at least, that was her reading in a letter to parliament. Insiders say that chairman Nicoly Vermeulen has held the honor to himself when she discovered during a conversation Klijnsma her term, which expires on June 1, 2017, would not renew.

Students of the PGB file found it all strange that Vermeulen now only guard was told, while the height of the slump in the Social Insurance was in the first half of last year.

Now, sources report that Vermeulen wanted to know how the flag was hanging there on the Ministry of Social Affairs, after she had given TVNZ a candid interview around Christmas, where opposition party SP immediately Parliamentary questions asked about it.

Vermeulen’s resignation came as a surprise and leaving negotiations were reportedly difficult. The resignation was not linked to the PGB debacle. Therefore the word “PGB” nowhere in the letter about the resignation of the SVB boss, who sent Klijnsma to Parliament.


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