691 included minors, there was alcohol poisoning (intoxication), over a quarter (27 percent) more than in 2014. a clear explanation for the increase in the number comazuipers is not there.

on average, the youth had a blood alcohol level of 1.94. This corresponds to an amount of alcohol after drinking in a short period of at least six standard drinks in girls and ten boys. “In practice, there is probably drinking more alcohol because it is measured, and the alcohol was already partially demolished later,” the researchers said.

On average, young people three hours unconscious. Most of them indicated that they had drunk strong liquor, followed by beer, mixed drinks and wine.

The average age of the youth set last year was 15.4 years. It involves almost as many girls (47 percent) and boys (53 percent). In 2007, when Dutch paediatricians started a registration system, the average age was 14.9 years. When it concerned only 297 young people.

The majority (37 percent) from the previous year included young people with alcohol poisoning were on VMBO. Followed by secondary school (25 percent) and pre-university education (20 percent).

The study is based on figures from NSCK, Hospital Reinier de Graaf in Delft, the University of Twente and the Dutch Institute for Alcohol Policy STEP.