Thursday, April 14, 2016

Rare wardrobe found in ship wreck Wadden –

This makes the University of Amsterdam on Thursday.

Experts consider it found textiles, including an exclusive gown, as one of the most important clothing finds in Europe. According UvA professor Maarten van Bommel is ‘rarely, perhaps never’ done such a great find in a wreck.

The dress is ‘preserved’ wonderfully well ”. The textile is not destroyed, it is because there is no oxygen could come under water. Because the dress has remained under the sand, which is not eaten by animals. The dress is the showpiece in the temporary exhibition Garde Robe who went on Texel starts Thursday in museum Kaap Skil.

In addition to the richly decorated gown, inter alia involves a jacket, stockings and bodices of silk large quantities of gold and silver thread

video: Rare wardrobe found in ship wreck Wadden

Golden Age

there are also pottery from Italy, found a gilt silver bowl and fragrances from Greece or Turkey. There are book covers with gold imprint surfaced arm of the British royal family, Stuart.

For the coast of Texel, in Oudeschild, lie hundreds of shipwrecks, among others from the Golden Age.

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