often Municipalities will again face the same people, but at a later age, the Central Planning Bureau reports (CPB) on Monday.
Four out of ten young people on welfare fell as a child among the youth . Act long-term care, the ancient EMEA, is even used for 90 per cent of young people with a background in care.
Municipalities must realize, according to the agency if they do nothing, this group later on they knocks for benefits. When (former) child welfare clients also receive after their eighteenth year, assistance from local authorities, then later less money to get rid of them.
Municipalities are advised to be more together working with schools, especially in special education, to problems where dealing with target group to better tackle it.
the increased role of municipalities in care since 2015 offers opportunities for those groups better and ultimately helping to lower costs, for example in care already take into account the prospect of work.
within the youth an integrated approach according to the researchers valuable. Many young people who use youth by using multiple types of care, such as a combination of mental health and home supervision
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