Monday, August 29, 2016

Lilian Marijnissen high on SP-list: “I have to prove myself ‘- Yahoo! News

Lilian Marijnissen is the highest newcomer in the list of candidates of the Socialist Party for the parliamentary elections. Marijnissen is number three behind party leader Emile Roemer and number two, Renske Leijten.

The 31-year-old Lilian Marijnissen – daughter of SP celebrity Jan Marijnissen – true long as talent within the SP. From the age of eighteen she is already in the City of Oss.

Earlier this month Marijnissen already announced that they will stop in the autumn as trade union official at the FNV. “It started to itch. The FNV I have seen what can cause conflict, but ultimately the Hague pulling the strings.” Ideally, she throws herself at the Courtyard again care, a topic they like union official was also much involved with.

Successor Emile?

She also mentioned frequently as a possible successor Emile Roemer. Self Marijnissen find that “totally not on the agenda” and “inappropriate” to talk about when she is not even parliamentarian. “I will first have to prove myself. I am new and have much to learn.”

Lilian Marijnissen was about to make the move to national politics because they saw you “that can achieve a lot.” Of course she’s still there talked about with her father, who, after all, was for many years member of parliament. But he was cautious advice: “He said it must be your own decision.”

New names

The SP-Congress of candidates in January must still approve next year. Over one-third of the group does not return. The candidate list will contain many new names.

The new party chairman Ron Meyer, who at 22 is place, would change to break the deadlock in which the SP is. The party will benefit little from the great loss of the PvdA. The one stop after another parliamentarian announced last month. Arnold merkies, Farshad Bashir, Sharon Gesthuizen Paul Ulenbelt and Harry van Bommel will not come back into the room. And just before the candidates went outside also made SP MP Tjitske Siderius this weekend in the local newspaper to be Stentor known finished the Hague ‘snake pit’.

top 25:

1. Emile Roemer
2. Renske Leijten
3. Lilian Marijnissen
4. Ronald van Raak
5. Sadet Karabulut
6. Sandra Beckerman
7. Michiel van Nispen
8. Peter Kwint
9. Bart van Kent
10. Cem Lacin
11. Frank Futselaar
| 12. Nine Kooiman
13. Martin Hijink
14. Jasper van Dijk
15. Eric Smaling
16. Mahir Alkaya
17. Henk van Gerven
18. Diederik Olders
19. Ton Heerschop
20. Ad Meijer
21. Bass Maes
22. Ron Meyer
23. Sun van Dijk
24. Daniel de Wit
25. Bert Peterse

Yahoo! News


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