Party leader Pechtold launched in the Guardian the idea to encourage employers to hire more permanent workers. The plan comes down to the dismissal must flex smoother and more secure contracts.

Labour MP Vermeij was positively surprised. “I look at D66 a change in tone. Of all happy working as a freelancer from a hip coffee shop to the revaluation of the fixed contract. I like that “Vermeij, however, questions whether the solution Pechtold comes forward:. Relaxation of dismissal. “We have just steps put in. It is done like Dutch employers never get rid of permanent workers, but that is not true “

In addition:. dismissal is one thing, but that employers sick employees have to pay for two years, is another obstacle to a permanent employment. The Social and Economic Council is at this point an opinion.

It is precisely the objection of CDA MP Heermabrug. “The problems in the labor market are considerable. Pechtold finds that correctly. But as long as nothing is done to sick pay and position of freelancers will these problems are not really solved. “

According to SP Member of Parliament Ulenbelt the plan Pechtold ‘old wine in new bottles ‘. “D66 always says sacking easier, fixed contracts precarious and flexible contracts Slightly less flexible. If Pechtold is keen on permanent contracts is nice, but he must come up with other proposals. “

Over the past decade in reducing the number of permanent jobs with about half a million and there were 1.2 million temporary and temp jobs in. A subsequent government should reverse this trend, says D66. The proposal is part of the draft election program of the party