Friday, September 2, 2016

“So often beaten up,” experienced worker secure clinic was s … – BBC News

  EINDHOVEN – Tutors and guardians of the Woenselse Gate is insufficient protection afforded in their dealings with dangerous clients. That says an employee of the psychiatric clinic, which for several years with post-traumatic stress disorder is home because of abuse. George (real name known to editors) since last month after fourteen years officially off duty. In his time there was a culture of fear in the workplace, he said. “There are very few counselors that the forensic psychiatric dare to contradict. Indeed, some work with it together “.

Joris began in 2002 as a nursing supervisor at the Woenselse Gate. What began as a dream job turned into a nightmare. “We got less and less in control over the years. Dangerous patients were there for saying. This was because a number of factors. Understaffing, fear, but also incompetence and inexperience of many colleagues “

” I was often alone
How often Joris together is beaten, it is impossible to count on two hands. “That happened often fantastic clients,” he recalls. “I am a man of 1.90 meters, but is not competing against them. The Woenselse Gate never look at intake whether someone handling is yes or no. They tackle everything is logged, purely for the money. “

” Often I was all alone on the ward. Then go to start something like outbreak of a violent brawl. Sometimes younger colleagues were, even girls of 19, left to their fate. Who are physically and mentally really completely destroyed. “

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can not do that to them?
George continues: “it is the people who have zero experience in dealing with mentally ill patients, you should taking protection. That does not mean that you must place them in departments where threw chairs and doors smashed. I have so many interns or new employees should steer away during heavy fighting. I did not want them exposed to that explosiveness. That you can not do that to them? “

When an employee needs after an incident support, are being planned talks, says the Woenselse Gate. “That happens deployed with specialized staff from the institution if there is specialized help from outside the institution,” a spokesman explains.

A structural problem
Employees who do not feel safe, search according to multiple sources their support in forensic psychiatric patients, preferably with much to have to say. “I heard a patient once called a girl:” If shit has hit the fan, I’ll protect you well. ” Since many young people were prone to. Dangerous, because forcing patients privileges off that way. Some might even choose their own medication. That is not an incident but a structural problem. And there is but giggly done about it. “

The suspended according to Joris years on security. Eight years was a B-nurse responsible for security in clinic. “A nice man, but he understood nothing at all. He was put in that position because the Woenselse gate but remained reorganize. Teams were no longer responding to each other. And if something is important in a secure clinic, then it is that colleagues together to build each other and can trust. “

SEE ALSO: Dangerous and unsafe situations in the Woenselse Port: dozens of stakeholders raise the alarm, politics will debate

Complaints dated
George remembers well that he had worked all day and only at the end of his department found out he tbs’er had not seen all day. “The security fence was often broken. By the researchers said the Woenselse Gate that the fence was only a few days each, but that was several months so. Our clients were very often unseen over climbing. This even led once a successful escape. “

Many of these complaints are dated according to the Woenselse Gate. “This gentleman has for years not been to the clinic. Not only since the security cranked, also there just does not many of these stories. It is not so that many clients have climbed unseen over the fences. And we always make sure that there are plenty of staff on a ward, including understaffing of absence. “

” She was sitting on the lap of clients
George noticed that he went with less and less meaning and pleasure to work. “My blood pressure went up and I headed for burnout. I could not think straight, and you have to be sharp and on your toes in this profession. Flapping clients were also on harder. Not only physically, but especially mentally. My colleagues I could hardly secure, because there was a lot of unrest in the team. “

On top of the forensic psychiatric patients were getting the upper hand. “Take that woman who has been fired recently because of a relationship with a client. It was many years back in the lap of a lot of clients and was nice to cuddle with them. That can simply not in this box. You saw happen the opposite. Clients could fully use drugs and do their own thing, because colleagues do not dare to intervene. I have seen with my own eyes how trainees were thrown to the lions and mentally broken went home. Terrible “

SEE ALSO:. CDA, PVV and SP to debate about abuses the Woenselse Port:” We are deeply concerned “

Who at The Gate Woenselse come to work immediately hears that a relationship will not be tolerated by a client. In fact, it is a criminal offense. “When we get there signals that will act immediately. Past experience shows that this happens. “To this day, however, still relationships with each other today go employees and clients say many of those involved.

Most employees dare to feelings of insecurity and stress not negotiable too make, says George. “Whistleblowers are not protected by the Woenselse Gate. They are counteracted. I see my colleagues so well. Who also have children sit with a high mortgage. Who choose themselves. I would do if I was their situation. When I talk to them, I always tell them it is the Lies and Deceit firm, that whole institution. From high to low “

SEE ALSO:. member client council The Woenselse Gate: ‘Criticism of the policy may not give you

Close and start again
According to Joris De Woenselse Gate only do one thing: close and start again. “They need to clean up ship. New management, new policies. The care is destroyed in this way. In what way they go, I will deal with it personally anymore. My future is completely open, and thank goodness that is a future without Woenselse Gate. “


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